TC> Maintenance> School Maintenance
School Maintenance
The School Maintenance screen is used to build and maintain School codes and names.
Step by Step
1 Open the School window (TC> Maintenance> School).
- The School window displays all of the schools that have been set up in the database.
- Select a School and click DELETE to delete the selected School.
- Select a School and click EDIT to edit the selected School. This will open the School Maintenance screen.
- Click the Create School button to create a new School.
2 Create a School.
- The School Code field is used to enter a user-defined code that identifies the school, such as 551200 for Peekskill City School.
- The Name field is used to enter the Name of the school this code represents, such as PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL for 551200.
- The Federal ID field is used to enter the Federal ID associated with this School Code. If a Federal ID is entered, the Federal ID will print on Receipt Forms and Statements in place of the School Code.
- Click the Save button to save the new School Code.