TC> Maintenance> Sequence Maintenance
Sequence Maintenance
The Sequence Maintenance screen is used to build and maintain Sequences and their descriptions.
Related Links
Click here for information on Bill Type Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Sequence window (TC> Maintenance> Sequence).
- The Sequence window displays all of the sequences that have been set up in the database.
- Select a Sequence and click DELETE to delete the selected Sequence.
- Select a Sequence and click EDIT to edit the selected Sequence. This will open the Sequence Maintenance screen.
- Click the Create Sequence button to create a new Sequence.
2 Create a Sequence.
- The Sequence field is used to enter a code that identifies the Sequence, such as 01 for Village Tax bills.
- The Description field is used to enter a Description for the Sequence, such as VILLAGE TAX BILLS for 01.
- The Bill Type field is used to enter a Bill Type to which this Sequence corresponds. Click the field search button to select a bill type from a list.
- Bill Types are created and maintained on the Bill Type Maintenance screen. Click here for information on Bill Type Maintenance.
- The Override GL Cash Account field is used to enter an Override GL Cash Account to use when importing payments for this sequence or leave blank if the sequence does not have a unique Override GL Account. Click the field search button to select a GL account from a list.
- If an Override GL Cash Account is specified, the Override GL Cash Account and the sequence will be displayed on the Import Payment selection screen but can be modified. An Override GL Cash Account should be utilized when the imported payments for the sequence are to update a cash account that is different from the Override GL Cash Account found on the Collection Profile Parameter Import Payment screen and also differs from the cash account specified on the receipt types for this sequence.
- If an Override GL Cash Account is selected, when receipts are imported using the Import Payment process the override cash account found on the sequence setup at the time of import will be used when general ledger is updated. If an Override GL Cash Account is not selected on the sequence setup, the override cash account found on the Collection Profile Parameter Import Payment screen at that time that the receipts are imported will be used when general ledger is updated. If an Override GL Cash Account is not setup on the sequence or the collection profile parameter import payment screen, the cash account found on each receipt type at the time that general ledger is being updated will be utilized.
- Check the Allow Partial Payment toggle to allow partial payments when collecting receipts for bills in this Sequence in Cash Receipts.
- Note: If the Bill Type selected above for this Sequence does not have the Allow Partial Payment toggle checked, this toggle will be unchecked and cannot be checked.
- Click the Save button to save the new Sequence.