TC> Reports> Transaction Report
Transaction Report
The Transaction Report displays a listing of transactions (charges, adjustments, abatements, payments, etc.) within Tax Collection.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Cirrus Jobs Viewer page.
Step by Step
1 Open the Transaction Report window (TC> Reports> Transaction).
2 Configure the Selection tab.
- The Codes section is used to select the Adjustment and Transaction type codes to be included in processing.
- The Report Date field defaults to today's system date. Enter or select a reference date for the report.
- The Year From and Year To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending year to define a range of years to include in the report.
- The Sequence From and Sequence To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending sequence to define a range of sequences to include in the report.
- The Installment From and Installment To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending installment number to define a range of installment numbers to include in the report.
- The Transaction Date From and Transaction Date To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending transaction date range to define the dates to be reported. Leave the transaction date range blank to include all dates.
- The Due Date From and Due Date To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending due date range to define a range of due dates to be included on the report.
- The Installment Due From and Installment Due To fields are used to enter a range to define the total installment amount due to be reported if selecting bills based on the balance of the payment numbers. Leave the installment date range blank to process regardless of the payment number balances.
- Installment Balance range refers to the balance due before any interest/penalty has been calculated. If however if a partial payment was previously made, then the remaining balance of interest/penalty will be included. Only purposes selected are used when determining if this condition is true or false for the Installment and bill.
- The Total Due From and Total Due To fields are used to define a total amount due range to be reported. To select only debit balance bills, you must enter .01 in the Total Due From field. Otherwise, bills with credit balances will be included. If you wish to include only credit balance bills, you must enter -.01 in the Total Due To field.
- The Batch Number From and Batch Number To fields are used to enter or select a batch range to define a range of batches to be reported.
- The Signature Label field is used to specify a signature label that will print beneath the last signature line on the report.
- This field will only be enabled if the Signature Lines toggle is checked on the Print Options tab.
- The Purpose Table field is used to enter or select a purpose table to define the purpose codes to be included in processing. Leave blank to include all purpose codes
- The Purpose Table Description field will automatically populate with the description associated with the selected purpose table.
- The Parcel Table field is used to enter or select a parcel table to define the Parcel IDs to be used in processing. Leave blank to include all Parcel IDs.
- The Parcel Table Description field will automatically populate with the description associated with the selected parcel table.
- Check the Summary Only toggle to report Original Amount totals by the sort options selected in the Sort tab.
- If this toggle is not checked, a detailed report including year/sequence/bill number will be generated.
- Check the Grand Totals Only toggle to display the Grand Totals page only.
- Check the Exclude toggle to exclude the Parcel IDs found on the selected Parcel Table.
- This toggle is only enabled when a Parcel Table has been selected.
- If a parcel table is selected and the Exclude toggle is unchecked, only those Parcel IDs found on the Parcel Table will be included.
3 Configure the Print Options tab.
- Check the Account Number toggle to print the Account Number when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Owner Name toggle to print the Owner Name 1 and Name 2 for non-UB bills or the Billing Name 1 and Name 2 for UB bills when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Owner Address toggle to print the Owner Address (Owner Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip) for non-UB bills or the Billing Address (Billing Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip) for UB bills when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Location Address toggle to print the Location Address (Location Street No, Unit, Street Name, Direction, City, State, Zip) when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Original Taxable toggle to print the Original Taxable when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Original Amount toggle to print the Original Amount when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Signature Lines toggle to print three signature lines at the end of a detailed or summary report.
- A signature label can be specified in the Signature Label field on the Selection tab to print beneath the last signature line.
- Check the Notes toggle to print Ledger Notes when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Vehicle ID toggle to print the Vehicle ID when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Vehicle Year toggle to print the Vehicle Year when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Vehicle Make toggle to print the Vehicle Make when printing a detailed report.
- Check the Vehicle Reg. No. toggle to print the Vehicle Registration Number when printing a detailed report.
- The Sort data grid is used to sort the report in a different order by selecting the desired sort options from the Sort field. Up to three sort options can be selected.
- The Sort column identifies the order the transactions are to be sorted on the report. Select the sort options in the order desired. For example, the report will be sorted first by the field selected on the first Sort line, second by the field selected on the second Sort line, etc.
- Additionally, the user can specify whether page breaks should occur at the change of the sort option and if subtotals are to be displayed at the change of the sort option.
4 Print the report.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook PDF format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once a print option is selected, that option will automatically be selected the next time you access the report. For example, if you select Excel from the drop-down menu, the next time you access the report the Excel button will be displayed by default.
- Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- Users can also regenerate a report with the same configuration as a prior report via the report history section. This can help improve efficiency when an identical report is frequently generated.
- Once a report has been generated, the date and time it was generated will display in the report history accessed via the Expand Arrow button on the right side of the window.
- Expand the report history and click on a previous report record to automatically populate the report criteria with the criteria specified on the previously generated report. This section will display the last three times the report was generated.