TC> Reports> Trial Balance Report
Trial Balance Report
The Trial Balance Report displays a summary of all activity in a specific date range by year, sequence, and purpose code. The report can be totaled by date, month, and/or showing grand total for a range of transaction dates. The report also includes a summary page totaling by purpose code, trans type, and installment.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Cirrus Jobs Viewer page.
Step by Step
1 Open the Trial Balance Report window (TC> Reports> Trial Balance).
2 Configure the report.
- The Report Date field will default to today’s system date. Enter or select a reference date for this report.
- The Year From and Year To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending sequence to define a range of sequences to include in processing.
- The Sequence From and Sequence To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending sequence to define a range of sequences to include in processing.
- The Transaction Date From and Transaction Date To fields are used to enter a beginning and/or ending transaction date to define a range of receipts to print.
- The Print Fee Charges field is used to select Charge Column or Adjustment Column.
- A fee charge is defined as a purpose with a fee taxing basis and an original charge type (normally CHG). If you do not want fee charges combined with other charges, select Adjustment Column.
- If a mailing fee is added through Batch Fees Updating, to print these charges in the adjustment column select Adjustment Column, to print these fees in the charge column select Charge Column.
- The Purpose Table field is used to identify the purpose codes to include in the report. Leave this blank to include all purpose codes.
- Check the Total By Date toggle to report totals for each transaction date within each year and sequence.
- Check the Total By Month toggle to report totals by month within each year and sequence.
- Check the Print Grand Totals toggle to report grand totals for the range specified. The receipts total lines are added together. It is not a total by purpose code.
3 Print the report.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook PDF format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once a print option is selected, that option will automatically be selected the next time you access the report. For example, if you select Excel from the drop-down menu, the next time you access the report the Excel button will be displayed by default.
- Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- Users can also regenerate a report with the same configuration as a prior report via the report history section. This can help improve efficiency when an identical report is frequently generated.
- Once a report has been generated, the date and time it was generated will display in the report history accessed via the Expand Arrow button on the right side of the window.
- Expand the report history and click on a previous report record to automatically populate the report criteria with the criteria specified on the previously generated report. This section will display the last three times the report was generated.