Adjustment Input Wizard

Billing Adjustment




The Adjustment Input Wizard is used to create adjustments on meter readings or transactions and can be used to create a billing adjustment on a committed billing transaction. Billing adjustments are used to adjust a committed billing transaction on a UB customer account created in the New Billing, Final Billing, Miscellaneous Billing or Additional Billing process. If you would like to adjust an uncommitted billing line item, delete the billing transaction in the open batch and regenerate the billing transaction.


To create a billing adjustment, open the Adjustment Input Wizard, select the billing to adjust on the customer account and then modify the line items that displayed on the original billing. The billing adjustment will not adjust any meter readings that resulted in the billing. For example, if a leak has caused a high billing, reducing the billing with a bill adjustment will not reduce the meter readings on the account. The bill adjustment will just modify the billing transaction on the customer account. If you would like to adjust the billed meter readings on a customer account, use the Adjustment Input Wizard to create a leak or consumption adjustment.


Step by Step