UB> Meter Management> Meter Data Export
Meter Data Export
The Meter Data Export window allows users to export meter data in a format that is compatible with third-party smart metering systems that provide real-time meter reading data, such as AMI Technology. This export file includes data related to the connection, customer account and lot information.
Related Links
Click here for information on Device Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Meter Data Export window (UB> Meter Management> Meter Data Export).
2 Complete the Export Settings section.
- Select the meter read routes that should be included in the data export in the Routes field.
- Click the toggle next to the field title to select or deselect all the displayed routes.
- The Configuration drop-down menu is used to select a user-configured data export file or to select (Standard) to use the standard data export.
- User-configured export files are created and maintained on the Export Configuration Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Export Configuration). Click here for information on Export Configuration Maintenance.
- Click the Export Settings button at the top of the window to display the format of the file that will be created. This will open a window that displays the fields included in the data export file, the length of each field and the position of the field on the data export file. Click here for information on the File Layout window.
- Select the status of the customer accounts you would like to include in the data export file in the Account Status field. Only the meters attached to customer accounts
of the selected statuses will be included on the data export file.
- Meters attached to inactive lots will not be included in the exported meter information (Lot icon> Open a lot> Lot tab> Status drop-down menu) unless the Include Inactive Lots toggle is checked below.
- Check the Include Inactive Connections toggle to if you would like to include inactive connections in the export file.
- Connection status is set on the Connections tab of the Device Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Device> Connections tab> Status drop-down menu).
- Check the Include Inactive Lots toggle to include inactive lots in the data export file.
- If Temetra is selected in the Configuration drop-down menu, a number of export-specific fields will be enabled below.
- The New Account in Days field is used to enter the number of days since the connect date for the UB account to still be considered a new account. This is used to determine if the value of a field in the export to be True (amount entered is equal to or less than days between today and connect date) or False (amount entered is greater than days between today and connect date).
- In the Cellular Device Installed field, select None if the export value is always False, select All if the export value is always True, or select Log Misc 1 or Log Misc 2 to indicate which Device Type Misc field to export.
- The Additional Tag Information 1 and Additional Tag Information 2 fields are used to pass any other information in the Additional Tag fields. Whatever values are in the Device Type Misc fields selected will be included in the export.
- The Meter Model field is used to select the field of the Device Type Misc fields in the drop-down that stores the Meter Model information.
- The Collection Method field is used to select the field of the Device Type Misc fields in the drop-down that stores the Collection Method information.
- The Read Type Equals Number of Dials toggle determines what value is used in the Number of Dials value.
- Click the Submit button when complete to generate the data export file. Once the export has finished processing, file can be downloaded from the Jobs Viewer.