UB> Utilities> Account Export

Account Export




The Account Export window is used to create an export file (MS Access or CSV) containing Utility Billing customer, meter reading and/or transaction information. If you would like to create an MS Excel spreadsheet of the exported information, create an MS Access database using this process and then import the database information into an Excel spreadsheet. (This process is described in a related document.) This allows you to apply query filters to the information included in the MS Excel Export.


The Account Export window allows you to select which information will be included in the export: customer information, meter information, and financial information.

  • The Customer information will always be included on the export. The customer information in the export includes the address, deposit, refund, lot owner information, lot information, meter information (but no meter readings), services, and miscellaneous fields on the lot, customer, owner, and meter. The standard customer information also includes the balance forward, bill this period, payment this period, current billing, and ending balance.
  • The reading history of meters attached to the customer accounts will be included on the export if Meter History or Both is selected in the Include History drop-down menu. The meter history will include reading, reading date, reading period, reading year, consumption, and meter read description.
  • The transaction history of customer accounts will be included in the export file if Financial History or Both is selected in the Include History drop-down menu. The financial history export will include the batch and transaction information of all transactions for each customer in the batch. The transaction history will not include the detail line items on the transaction.


The files created by this process contain the social security numbers of customers. You can use the Menu Security feature (SS> Maintenance> Menu Security) to disable this menu option on selected user accounts. Click here for information on menu security.


Related Links


Click here for information on opening an exported MS Access database in MS Excel.


Step by Step


1     Open the Account Export window (UB> Utilities> Account Export).