UB> Utilities> Modify Account Number
Modify Account Number
The Modify Account Number window allows you to move a UB customer account to an existing customer record. If there are already UB customer accounts attached to the selected customer record, a new sequence number will be created on that customer record. For example, if you move UB customer account 000915-001 to customer record 000001, the UB customer account will be assigned number 000001-002 if UB customer account 000001-001 already exists.
You cannot move a UB customer account to a customer record that does not exist. You will have to create the customer record (SS> Maintenance> Customer) before you move the UB customer account.
Step by Step
1 Open the Modify Account Number window (UB> Utilities> Modify Account Number).
- The Old Account Number field is used to enter the old UB customer account
number that you would like to change. Click the Old Account Number search button to select UB customer account.
- The Name and Service Address associated with the UB customer account will populate in the window after you enter the UB customer account number.
- Enter the new customer number in the New Customer Number field or click the
New Customer Number search button to select a customer record
from a list. The customer record selected in this field is the customer
record that the UB customer account will be moved to.
- The customer name attached to the customer record selected in the New Customer field will populate in the Name field after the new customer record is selected.
- Click the Save button when complete to move the UB customer account to the selected customer record.