EB> Maintenance> Budget Scenario
Budget Scenario Maintenance
The Budget Scenario Maintenance window is used to create custom budget estimates based on the position budgeting estimate generated on the Generate Position Budgeting window. Multiple budget estimates can be generated in order to compare the effects of various payroll expenditure adjustments. This is the second step in the position budgeting process.
Related Links
Click here for information on Generating Position Budgeting.
Click here for information on exporting Position Budgeting scenarios.
Step by Step
1 Open the Budget Scenario Selection window.

- The Budget Scenario Selection (EB> Maintenance> Budget Scenario) window will display all of the extended budgeting budget scenarios that have been created in the application. You can filter the list by entering a scenario year and/or scenario code in the Search Criteria section and clicking Refresh
- Select a budget scenario in the lower section of the window and click the Modify icon
or press ENTER to modify the selected scenario.
- Highlight a budget scenario and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to delete the selected scenario.
- When a budget scenario is deleted, any attachments associated with that scenario will also be deleted.
- Highlight a budget scenario and click the Copy icon
to create a copy of the selected scenario.
- You will be required to specify a different name for the new copy.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to create a new budget scenario. This will open the Budget Scenario Maintenance window.
2 Create a new budget scenario.

- The General tab of the Budget Scenario Maintenance window is used to specify the general details for the budget scenario.
- Select a Year for the budget scenario.
- The selected year must be active.
- Years are created and maintained on the Year Maintenance window (EB> Maintenance> Years). Click here for information on Years Maintenance.
- Once the scenario has been generated, this field cannot be edited.
- Enter a unique Code for the scenario.
- The code is a required field and must be unique within the specified scenario year.
- This field is limited to 10 alphanumeric characters and cannot be edited once the budget scenario is saved.
- Enter an optional Description for the scenario.
- This field is limited to 128 alphanumeric characters.
- The Budget Overview section provides budget projections based on the adjustments entered on the subsequent tabs.
- This section will not populate until adjustments are entered and the budget scenario is generated.
- Click the Attachments icon
to attach a document to the budget scenario.
- The Generate icon
is used to generate the budget scenario estimate based on the changes entered on the remaining tabs.
- When the Generate icon is clicked, the system will calculate the adjustments and generate a budget estimate based on the changes from the source year actuals.
3 Update the Position tab.

- The Position tab is used to add, remove or modify existing positions in order to examine how those adjustments will affect payroll budgets.
- Click the Create icon
to add a new position to the scenario or highlight an existing position and click the Modify icon
to edit how the position impacts the budget scenario. This will launch the Budget Scenario Position Maintenance window.
- The General tab of the Budget Scenario Position Maintenance window is used to specify the general position details.
- Enter a Description for the new position.
- This field is limited to 64 alphanumeric characters.
- Click the Step field label to select a grade and a step for the position.
- Click the Plan field label to specify a plan for the new position.
- Click here for information on Plan Maintenance.
- Once the Grade, Step and Plan fields have been populated, you must use the Clear icon
to remove the selected grade, step or plan.
- If editing a position that is associated with an existing employee, the grade, step and plan cannot be modified.
- Specify a Start Date for the position adjustment.
- The start date will automatically populate with the start date of the budget year, but can be edited to any date within the budget year.
- If editing a position that is associated with an existing employee, the start date cannot be modified.
- Specify an optional End Date for the position adjustment if the position is seasonal or is set to be vacated at some point during the budget scenario period.
- If an end date is specified, a start date must be specified as well.
- Both the start date and end date must fall within the specified budget year.
- The Employee Number, First Name and Last Name fields will populate with the employee information associated with the selected position control point.
- When creating a new position, these fields will not populate as the position is only being used to generate a budget scenario adjustment.
- Enter a Description for the new position.
- The Distribution tab is used to specify the distribution accounts for the new position.
- Click the Create icon
to add a distribution account to the position. This will create a new account line item in the data grid below and enable the Maintenance section to the right.
- Enter a distribution Percentage for the account.
- While you can use multiple accounts, the total percentage distributed across all accounts must equal 100%.
- Highlight a distribution account and click the Delete icon
to remove the account from the grid.
- If an account is removed, another account must be added or an existing account must be modified in order to ensure that the total percentage distributed equals 100%.
- Click the Create icon
- The General tab of the Budget Scenario Position Maintenance window is used to specify the general position details.
- The Delete icon
is used to delete any new positions added to the Position tab. You cannot delete existing positions previously imported into the budget scenario.
4 Update the Benefit tab.

- The Benefit tab is used to add, remove or modify existing benefits in order to examine how those adjustments will affect payroll budgets.
- Click the Create icon
to add a new benefit adjustment to the scenario. This will create a new benefit adjustment line item in the data grid below.
- Enter a Benefit Code or click the Ellipsis icon
to select one from a list.
- A benefit code must be specified in order to save the adjustment line item.
- Click here for information on Benefit Code Maintenance.
- Enter an Effective Date for the benefit adjustment.
- The effective date will automatically populate with the start date of the budget year. If edited, the specified effective date must fall within the budget year in order to save the benefit adjustment.
- Enter a Percentage for the benefit adjustment.
- The percentage can be any non-zero number between -999.99 and 999.99. Zero percentage adjustments are not allowed as they have no impact on the budget.
- Enter a Description for the benefit adjustment.
- This optional field can accommodate up to 128 characters.
- Enter a Benefit Code or click the Ellipsis icon
- Highlight a benefit adjustment and click the Delete icon
to remove the adjustment from the scenario.
5 Update the COLA tab.

- The COLA tab is used to add, remove or modify existing cost of living allowances in order to examine how those adjustments will affect payroll budgets.
- Click the Create icon
to add a new COLA adjustment to the scenario. This will create a new COLA adjustment line item in the data grid below.
- The Group Type field will default to (All).
- Click the drop-down menu to select a different group type for the adjustment. The other Group Type options are Department, Union Unit and Reporting Group.
- The selection in this field will determine which selection window is launched when you click the Ellipsis icon
in the Group Code field.
- Enter an Effective Date for the COLA adjustment.
- The effective date will automatically populate with the start date of the budget year. If edited, the specified effective date must fall within the budget year in order to save the COLA adjustment.
- Enter a Percentage for the COLA adjustment.
- The percentage can be any non-zero number between -999.99 and 999.99. Zero percentage adjustments are not allowed as they have no impact on the budget.
- Enter a Description for the COLA adjustment.
- This optional field can accommodate up to 128 characters.
- The Group Type field will default to (All).
- Highlight a COLA adjustment and click the Delete icon
to remove the adjustment from the scenario.
6 Update the Salary tab.

- The Salary tab is used to add, remove or modify existing salary levels in order to examine how those adjustments will affect payroll budgets.
- Click the Create icon
to add a new salary adjustment to the scenario. This will create a new salary adjustment line item in the data grid below.
- The Group Type field will default to (All).
- Click the drop-down menu to select a different group type for the adjustment. The other Group Type options are Department, Union Unit, Employee and Reporting Group.
- The selection in this field will determine which selection window is launched when you click the Ellipsis icon
in the Group Code field.
- Enter an Effective Date for the salary adjustment.
- The effective date will automatically populate with the start date of the budget year. If edited, the specified effective date must fall within the budget year in order to save the salary adjustment.
- Enter an Amount for the salary adjustment.
- The amount can be any non-zero number between -999,999,999.99 and 999,999,999.99. Zero amount adjustments are not allowed as they have no impact on the budget.
- Enter a Description for the salary adjustment.
- This optional field can accommodate up to 128 characters.
- The Group Type field will default to (All).
- Highlight a salary adjustment and click the Delete icon
to remove the adjustment from the scenario.
7 Update the Step tab.

- The Step tab is used to add, remove or modify existing position step increase adjustments in order to examine how those adjustments will affect payroll budgets.
- Click the Create icon
to add a new position step increase adjustment to the scenario. This will create a new step adjustment line item in the data grid below.
- The Group Type field will default to (All).
- Click the drop-down menu to select a different group type for the adjustment. The other Group Type options are Department, Union Unit, Employee and Reporting Group.
- The selection in this field will determine which selection window is launched when you click the Ellipsis icon
in the Group Code field.
- The Date Type field is used to specify when the step increase adjustment will occur during the budget scenario year.
- Date type options are Anniversary, Hire, Review Month and Exact.
- If Exact was selected from the Date Type field above, enter an exact Effective Date for the step adjustment.
- The specified effective date must fall within the budget year in order to save the step adjustment.
- Enter a Description for the step adjustment.
- This optional field can accommodate up to 128 characters.
- The Group Type field will default to (All).
- Highlight a step adjustment and click the Delete icon
to remove the adjustment from the scenario.