Electronic Signatures
Creating and Using Electronic Signatures
An electronic signature can be used to sign checks generated from the Accounts Payable and Payroll modules. Purchase orders can also be configured to display an electronic signature. This document outlines the steps involved in creating and uploading an electronic signature.
Related Links
Click here for information on the AP Setup window.
Click here for information on the PR Setup window.
Click here for information on the PO Setup window.
Step by Step
1 Create the electronic signature file.
- Creating an electronic signature file requires a scanner, image editing software, and a clear example of the signature being scanned.
- Once you have scanned the signature, open the file in your image editing software. The size of the electronic signature image will need to be adjusted to fit in the allotted space on the checks or purchase orders.
- For AP and PR checks, the image file can be up to 2 1/4 inches long and 1 inch high. This image size can accommodate dual signatures, but they must be stacked one on top of the other.
- For PO purchase orders, the image file can be up to 2 1/4 inches long and 1/2 inch high.
- Click here to download and print a signature template document. This document includes enlarged signature boxes to allow for easy signature collection. Once scanned, these signature boxes will still need to be resized to fit the specifications listed above.
- After resizing the image file, save the file locally as a Bitmap (.bmp) or JPEG (.jpg) file. These are the only image file formats that are supported.
2 Upload the signature file.
- Your new signature file can be uploaded to the AP, PR and PO modules.
- Open the AP Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup).
- Click the Check Signature field label on the Checks tab. This will open the Attachments Selection window.
- Only one signature can be attached to a process. If you need to replace a signature, highlight the existing signature file and click the Delete icon to remove the file.
- Click the Create icon to open the Attachments Maintenance window. From this window, you will be able to browse to your electronic signature file.
- Click the Original File Name field label and browse to the electronic signature file.
- The File Name and File Type fields will automatically populate with the file information.
- The Destination Folder field will automatically populate with the path to the archive folder created when the application was installed.
- Enter an optional Description for the signature file. This field can be up to 500 characters.
- The Location Reference and Tracking Number fields are optional fields that can be used to keep track of your electronic signatures.
- Click the Save icon to return the electronic signature file to the Attachments Selection window.
- Click the Attachment Action icon drop-down menu and select Save Locally to save a copy of the file to your workstation or select View Attachment to open the attached file.
- The new electronic signature file has now been attached to the AP module.
- Confirm that the Check Signature field displays "Signature Attached" and click the Save icon to save the new setup.
- Follow the same steps to attach signatures to the Payroll (PR> Utilities> Setup) and Purchase Orders (PO> Utilities> Setup) modules.
- For the PO module, you will need to confirm that the Print signature line on purchase order toggle is checked. If this toggle is not checked, the electronic signature could be created and installed correctly but it would still not print.
- The electronic signature will now be included on checks or purchase orders.
- Electronic signatures can also be attached on the Bank Account Maintenance screen (SS> Maintenance> Bank Account).
- Signatures attached to a bank account will override signatures attached on the AP and PR Setup screens when the bank account is used and the signature tier is reached. Click here for information on Bank Account Maintenance.