Quick Launch
Quick Launch Field
The Springbrook Quick Launch field on the application desktop allows users to quickly access a specific maintenance record with just a few keystrokes. By pressing CTRL+Q and entering the quick launch code and account/code number, users can bypass the process of opening the module, expanding the palette, launching the selection window, and filtering the data to display the desired account.
For example, if you need to access employee number 1234, you can press CTRL+Q to enable the Quick Launch field and type "Emp 1234" to launch the PR Employee Maintenance window for that employee.
Maintenance Record to Launch | Launch Code |
AP Vendor | Vendor (vendor number) |
BP Permit | Permit (permit number) |
BT Business | Business (business number) |
FA Class | Class (class code) |
FA Asset | FA (asset) |
GL Account | GLAccount (fiscal year:account number) |
HR Applicant | Applicant (applicant number) |
HR Employee | HR or HREmp (employee number) |
HR Position | Position (position) |
HR Type | Type (type) |
IC Item | Item (item ID) |
LP Approval Type | ApprovalType (approval type) |
LP License | License (application number) |
PM Project | Proj or Project (project code) |
PM Task | Task (code1-code2) |
PO Requisition | Req or Requisition (requisition number) |
PR Benefit | Ben or Benefit (benefit code) |
PR Deduction | Ded or Deduction (deduction code) |
PR Employee | Emp or Employee (employee number) |
PR Pay Code | PayCode (pay code) |
PT Ticket | Ticket (citation number) |
SA Assessment | Assessment (assessment number) |
SS Customer | Cust or Customer (customer number) |
SS Lot | Lot (lot number) |
UB Account | Account (customer number-customer sequence) |
UB Service Request | ServReq, ServRequest, ServiceReq or ServiceRequest (service request number) |
WO Work Order | WorkOrder (work order number) |