PR> Maintenance> Employee
PR New Employee Wizard
The New Employee Wizard is used to create new employee records. By using the New Employee Wizard, you can begin the record creation process, save an unfinished employee record as Incomplete, and return to finish the process at a later time.
Related Links
Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Employee Selection window (PR> Maintenance> Employee).
- The Employee Selection window will display a list of employees.
- Enter information into the Search Criteria section and press ENTER to filter the employees in the window.
- Highlight an employee and click Delete icon to delete the selected employee. You cannot delete an employee that has an existing payroll history.
- Click the New Employee Wizard icon drop-down menu and select New via Wizard. This will open the New Employee Wizard. This tool allows you to pause the new employee creation process, set the new employee's status to Incomplete, and return to finish the process at a later time.
- If a displayed employee is listed in Incomplete status, you can select Edit via Wizard from the drop-down menu to complete the employee creation process.
2 Complete the Basic Information step.
- The Employee Number field is used to enter the employee number of a new employee. Once an employee has been created, the employee number can only be changed using the Change Employee Number feature (Payroll> Utilities> Change Employee Number). Click here for information on changing the employee number attached to an employee record.
- The Change Employee Number feature must be used to change the employee number because it will update all of the history records and outstanding transactions on the employee with the new employee number.
- The Employee Number can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters. This is a required field.
- The SSN field is used to enter a social security number on an employee record. This is a required field.
- You can set security on this field using the DB Security feature (SS> Security> DB Security).
- Enter the employee's First, Middle and Last Name. The First and Last Name fields are required.
- The Date of Birth field is required if the IMPUTE deduction is going to be attached to the Deductions tab. The IMPUTE deduction is used to calculate imputed income for life insurance. If you do not attach a date of birth and the IMPUTE deduction is attached to the employee record, you will receive an exception on the Computer Checks process after the payroll has been calculated (PR> Computer Checks> second Exceptions step). Click here for more information on the IMPUTE deduction.
- Select the employee's Gender.
- Complete as many of the address and contact information fields as your organization requires.
- The Hire Date field is used to enter the hire date of the employee. This is a required field.
- You can generate a report of new employees filtered by hire date (PR> Reports> New Hires by Date).
- The hire date of an employee does not affect how they are pulled into a Computer Checks batch. Click here for information on how employees are pulled into a Computer Checks batch during the Generate step.
- The Anniversary Date is important because it is used in the calculation of accruals.
- The anniversary date is used to calculate accruals that are set up to apply based on the number of months an employee has been working. For example, if an employee begins to accumulate flextime after they have been working at the organization for 6 months, the accrual will calculate the 6 months based on the anniversary date of the employee. It will not use the hire date of the employee. If an employee has an anniversary date of 05/15/08, the accrual will be applied to the employee when the pay period end is greater than 11/15/08.
- Accruals can also be applied each year on an employee’s anniversary date.
- Accruals can also be calculated based on the balance of other accruals.
- The Seniority Date field is used to specify a seniority date for the employee.
- The Review Month field is used to record the month that the employee should receive their review. This must be between 1 and 12.
- The Deduction Start field is used to specify when the new employee's deductions will take effect.
- Click the Next button to continue.
3 Complete the EEOC Information step.
- The EEOC Information step is used to attach EEOC job categories, functions and race codes to the employee. The EEOC information attached to the employee record will be used to generate the EEOC report.
- Click the Race, Job, and Function drop-down menus to select the employee details.
- These fields are not required, so you can leave these fields blank if you do not generate the EEOC report using the application.
- Click the Next button to continue.
4 Complete the Financial and Position Information step.
- The Department field is used to attach a department to the employee. Enter a department code or
click the Department field label to select a department from a list.
- Departments are created and maintained using the Department Maintenance window (SS> Utilities> Departments).
- Click here for information on departmental maintenance.
- If you are using the timesheets feature, every active employee should be attached to a department. Click here for an overview of the Timesheets process.
- The Position field is used to attach a position to the employee.
This field is only used if you have positions set up in the Human Resources
module or you are using the Position Control feature. Click the Position
field label to select a position from a list.
- Positions are not necessarily the same as job titles because positions can be set up for specific job titles, or they can be set up as generic categories. For example, you may have a position titled CLERK that is used for both the Payroll Clerk job title and the Billing Clerk job title. You could also set up a separate position for each job title. In this example, you would have a separate position for the Billing Clerk and Payroll Clerk job titles.
- Positions are created and maintained using the Position Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Position).
- The Position Control feature is used to limit the number and kinds of positions that are
allowed in each department. For example, if you used the Position Control
feature (HR> Maintenance> Position Control) to add four Line Service Technician positions in the Line Service
department, you can have only four employee records attached to the Line Service
Technician position in the Line Service department.
- Position Control is set up by checking the Use Position Control toggle on the Setup window (HR> Utilities> HR Setup).
- Positions are added to a department using the Position Control Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Position Control). Click here for information on position control maintenance.
- When you attach a position to an employee record, you can select the plan and union unit that apply to the employee record. Click here for an overview on union units.
- The Location field is used to attach a physical location to an employee record.
- Locations can be used in the PR Computer Checks process to sort checks by employee location. This improves efficiency by allowing payroll personnel to group and print checks for one location at a time.
- Locations are created and maintained on the Location Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Location). Click here for information on Location Maintenance.
- The Union field is used to add a union unit to an employee
- The Union field is not enabled on the Employee Maintenance window. A union unit is inherited from the position and plan selected in the Position field.
- Click here for an overview on union units.
- Unions units are created and maintained in the Human Resources module (HR> Maintenance> Union units).
- The Job Title field is used to enter the job title of the employee.
- If there is a Human Resources module position attached to the employee record in the Position field, the job title does not have to be the same as the position. For example, you may have an HR position titled CLERK that is used for both the Payroll Clerk job title and the Billing Clerk job title. You could also set up a separate position for each job title. In this example, you would have a separate HR position for the Billing Clerk and Payroll Clerk job titles.
- The Supervisor field is used to associate a supervisor with an employee record.
- Individual employees cannot be selected as a supervisor. An employee must be associated with a role, and then that role can be specified as the supervisor role by clicking the Supervisor field label. Roles are created and maintained on the Role Maintenance window (SS> Security> Role). Click here for information on Role Maintenance.
- The employee associated with the role attached to an employee record will receive a notification if a personnel action form is generated for that employee. Personnel action forms are generated through the PAF Wizard (HR> Personnel Action Forms> PAF Wizard). Click here for information on the PAF Wizard.
- The Enrollment Plan field is used to attach the employee to an enrollment plan.
- Enrollment plans are used to associate groups of employees with the groups of deductions and benefits that they are eligible to enroll in during an open enrollment period.
- Enrollment plans are created and maintained on the Enrollment Plan Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Enrollment Plan). Click here for information on Enrollment Plan Maintenance.
- The Work Period field is used to associate the employee with an existing work period.
- Work periods are created and maintained on the Work Period Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Work Period). Click here for information on Work Period Maintenance.
- You must specify a work period for the employee unless they are exempt and the FLSA Exempt toggle has been checked.
- Check the FLSA Exempt toggle if the employee should be exempt from overtime rules. This toggle is informational only. It is only meant to notify the user that the current employee is exempt and does not have any effect on system calculations.
- Enter a default pay code or click the Pay Code field label to select one from a list.
- When timecards are entered in the Computer Checks process (PR> Computer Checks> Enter Timecards), there is a Salary icon on the Timecard Maintenance window. The Salary icon is used to automatically create timecard line items so that the number of hours on the timecard matches the pay settings on the employee record. For example, if timecard has line items that total 80 hours, but the pay setting on the employee record has 86.66, clicking the Salary icon will create a timecard line item for 6.66 hours using the pay code entered in the Pay Code field.
- Click here for more information on the Salary icon on the Timecards Maintenance window.
- The default pay code also effects how timesheets are imported (PR> Computer Checks> Import Timesheets). If the Salary Adjustment toggle is checked on the Import Timesheets window (PR> Computer Checks> Import Timesheets), the system will automatically generate timesheet line items so that the total hours on the timesheet equals the number of hours on the employee record. This is the same as clicking the Salary icon on the Timecard Maintenance window, but this will affect all of the timesheets imported into the Computer Checks batch.
- Click here for information on importing timesheets into a Computer Checks batch.
- Pay codes are created and maintained using the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Codes). Click here for information on pay code maintenance.
- The Full Time Hours field is used to store the number of full time hours during the pay period. For example, if an employee is paid weekly the value in the Full Time Hours field may be 40.
- The Pay Schedule field is used to set the pay schedule of the employee. Enter a pay schedule code or click the Pay Schedule field to select a pay schedule from a list. This is a required field.
- Pay schedules are used to create and maintain pay periods. When a Computer Checks batch is run (PR> Computer Checks> Generate> Schedules section), you will generate the payroll checks by pay schedule. All of the employees attached to the pay schedule will be included in the Computer Checks batch.
- When you select the pay schedule on the Computer Checks batch, you will also select a pay period that is attached to the pay schedule. For example, if you have a pay schedule set up for salary employees that are paid monthly, each monthly pay period will display as a separate line item on the pay schedule. When you select the pay period you would like to generate payroll on, the period begin and end date, check date, days in period, hours in period, and other information will populate on the Computer Checks batch from the pay period. You will only be able to select pay periods that have not been locked.
- Pay schedules are created and maintained using the Pay Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule).
- The Workers' Compensation field is used to set the default workers' compensation code of the employee. A specific workers' compensation code can be set up on each line item of the default time card on the Timecards tab. This is a required field.
- If the Use Default Work Comp Code for Salaried Employees toggle is checked on the Setup window (PR> Utilities> Setup> General tab), the workers’ compensation calculation will be based on the default workers' compensation code entered in this field rather than the workers' compensation code or rate code attached to the employee timecard. This option can create workers’ compensation premiums that are unacceptable or inappropriate for state reporting.
- The workers' compensation codes are created and maintained using the Workers' Compensation Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Workers' Comp).
- The Salary Level field is a user-defined reference field. The value in this field does not affect any payroll calculations.
- The Grade and Step fields are used to attach a grade and step to the employee record. The hourly wage or salary amount attached to the grade or step will populate on the employee record when a step is selected. If you do not use the Human Resources module, you will not add a Grade and Step value.
- Click the Step field to select a step amount from a list (click the Expand button next to a grade and select a step amount). The Grade field will populate with the grade attached to the selected step. Only step amounts with a revision date that is less than or equal to the effective date on the pay revision will display in the window used to select the step. This means you can select a grade in the Grade field, but when you open the Step field the desired step may not appear. Increase the value in the Effective Date field on the employee record or decrease the effective date on the step amount using the Grade Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Grade/Step> Open a grade> Effective Date field) if you would like it to display.
- For example, if you have a pay setting with an effective date of 01/01/2008, you cannot attach a step revision with an effective date of 01/01/2011. You will have to create a new pay settings revision with an effective date that is either equal to or greater than the effective date on the new grade/step revision.
- Grades and steps are used to categorize and control the hourly wages or annual salaries of employees. For example, you can create a grade titled Police Officer and set up the various Police Officer salaries as step amounts (step 1 - $45,000 to $55,000, step 2 - $56,750, $68,000, etc.). When you hire a new police officer, attach the Police Officer grade and a step value to the employee. The salary level of the new employee will be restricted to the salary range set up on the step amount on the grade. When you would like to implement a cost of living increase on police officer salaries, run the COLA process (HR> COLA). This will increase the step amounts attached to the Police Officer grade by a user-defined percentage, and increase the employee salaries attached to that grade.
- Grades are created and maintained using the Grade Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Grade).
- Steps are created and maintained using the Step Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Step).
- The Periods Per Year field is used to set the number of pay periods in a year. This field will populate based on the pay schedule selected in the Pay Schedule field. This is a required field.
- The Periods Per Year field is used when calculating the taxes that need to be deducted from an employee paycheck. Click here for an overview on payroll taxes.
- The Hours Per Year field is used to enter the number in a year. For example, enter 2080 if there are 2080 work hours in the year. This is a required field.
- The Hourly Rate field is used to set the hourly rate of the employee. This is a required field.
- If you attached an hourly grade and step in the Grade and Step field, the hourly rate will populate based on the selected step amount.
- The value in this field will be rounded based on the selection in the Human Resources module Setup window (HR> Utilities> Setup> Round Hourly Rates field).
- The Salary Per Period field is used to enter the salary per pay period of the employee.
- The value in the Salary Per Period field will be rounded based on the selection in the Human Resources module Setup window (HR> Utilities> Setup> Round Salaries field).
- Click the Next button to continue.
5 Complete the Default Timecards step.
- The Default Timecards step is used to attach default timecard line items to the new employee record.
- Click the Add button to add a new default timecard to the data grid. This will open the Pay Code Selection window.
- Select a pay code and click the Confirm icon to add the pay code to the default timecard line item and activate the timecard maintenance section.
- The pay code attached to the line item will determine the gross pay affected by the time card line item. For example, if the Federal, State, and FICA toggles are checked on the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code) of the selected pay code, the gross federal, gross state, and gross FICA wages will be increased by the time card line item.
- The Sequence field is used to reorder the pay codes in the Timecards grid to the left. Change the sequence number to move the timecard line items up or down.
- The order of the pay codes will determine which pay codes are applied to regular hours and which pay codes are applied to overtime hours.
- For example, if an employee worked four hours on pay code A (sequence 1), six hours on pay code B (sequence 2) and one hour on pay code C (sequence 3), all four hours of pay code A would apply to regular pay, four hours of pay code B would apply to regular pay, two hours of pay code B would apply to overtime pay and one hour of pay code C would apply to overtime pay.
- Each pay code must have a unique sequence number.
- The order of the pay codes will determine which pay codes are applied to regular hours and which pay codes are applied to overtime hours.
- The Rate Code field is used to attach a rate code to the time card line item. This field is not required. Enter a rate code or click the Rate Code field label to select a rate code from a list.
- Rate codes allow you to assign different hourly rates to employees depending on the work they are performing. This allows you to set standard pay amounts for pay that is not related to the hourly pay rate attached to each employee record. The hourly rate attached to the rate code will override the hourly rate on the employee record. For example, if the hourly rate on the employee record is $15.75 and the hourly rate on the rate code is $18.00, the hourly rate of $18.00 will be used on the time card line item.
- If there is a rate multiplier attached to the pay code selected in the Pay Code field (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> Rate Multiplier field), the hourly rate on the rate code will be multiplied by the rate multiplier on the pay code. For example, if you have a pay code for overtime pay that has a rate multiplier of 1.50 and the hourly rate on the rate code is $18.00, the rate multiplier on the pay code will be applied and the employee will be paid $27.00 (18*1.5=$27.00) a hour on the time card line item. This applies even if the employee is attached to the rate code with a specific hourly amount. The hourly rate on the rate code set up specifically for the employee will be applied to the rate multiplier on the pay code. For example, if the employee is attached to the rate code with an hourly rate of $10.00, the rate code will be applied and the time card line item rate will be $15.00 (10*1.5=$15.00).
- Rate codes are created and maintained using the Rate Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Rate Code).
- The Shift Code field is used to attach premium codes that are set up as shift codes to the time card line item. Enter a premium code or click the Shift Code field label to select one from a list.
- Shift codes can act as a multiplier on a pay code. For example, if the graveyard shift makes an extra $.50 an hour, you can create a shift code to add the $.50 an hour to the regular pay code. You can then attach the shift code to the time card line item.
- Premiums are created and maintained using the Premium Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Premiums). Premiums are set up as shift codes by checking the Shift toggle (PR> Maintenance> Premiums> Shift toggle). Only premiums that are set up as shift codes can be attached to a time card line item.
- The Hours field is used to enter the number of hours on the time card line item. For example, if the employee is paid bi-weekly, you may enter 80 in this field.
- The Hourly Rate field is used to specify the hourly rate for the new employee.
- The Hourly Rate field will start as the hourly rate attached to the employee record on the Financial tab (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Financial tab> Hourly Rate field). If there are multiple pay revisions on the employee record, the revision with the most recent effective date that is equal to or less than the current date will be applied.
- If there is a rate multiplier on the pay code (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> Rate Multiplier field), the hourly rate on the employee record will be multiplied by the rate multiplier. For example, if the hourly rate of the employee is $15 an hour and the rate multiplier is 1.5, the hourly rate will be $22.50 (15*1.5=22.50).
- If there is a rate code attached to the time card line item, the hourly rate attached to the rate code will override the hourly rate on the employee record. If there is a rate multiplier on the pay code, the hourly rate on the rate code will be multiplied by the rate multiplier.
- If there is a shift code attached to the time card line item, the premium will be added to the hourly rate and will display as a separate line item on the check.
- The Base Amount field is the total amount of the time card line item and is calculated based on the entries in the previous fields.
- The Account field is used to attach a GL account to the time card line item. You can enter
a value in this field or leave it blank. If you leave the field blank, the
debit account used in the journal entry to record the payroll will be pulled
from the employee distribution set up on the Distribution tab of the Employee
Maintenance window.
- If you enter a GL account in this field, the GL account will be the expense account debited for the time card line item amount. For example, if the time card line item totals $450.00, the GL account in this field will be debited $450.00. You can view the journal entry created by a time card line item using the GL Distribution Report when you are generating payroll checks (PR> Computer Checks> GL Distribution).
- If the GL account attached to the default time card line item is project driven, the default time card line item must also have a Project Management module task and type code selected in the PM Task Code and PM Type Code fields.
- General ledger accounts are set up as project driven by checking the Account is Project Driven toggle on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> General tab).
- The selection in the Deduction and benefits follow task toggle on the Setup window (PR> Utilities> Setup> Deductions tab) affects the journal entry created by the Computer Checks process when a time card line item is attached to a Project Management module task code.
- When a Project Management module task code is attached to a time card line item, the GL account on the time card line item will override the debit GL account on the benefit and will be used on the journal entry to record the benefit. The debit GL account on the time card line item will also be used to record the deduction.
- If the Deduction and benefits follow task toggle is not checked and there is a GL account attached to the time card line item, the debit account attached to benefits will be pulled from the benefit record (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Accounts tab> Debit Account field). The debit account to record the deductions will still be pulled from the GL account attached to the time card line item.
- The Workers' Compensation code is used to enter the workers' compensation code on the time card line item.
- If the Use Default Work Comp Code for Salaried Employees toggle is checked on the Setup window (PR> Utilities> Setup> General tab), the workers’ compensation calculation will be based on the default workers' compensation code attached to the employee record (Financial tab) rather than the workers' compensation code or rate code attached to the employee timecard. This option can create workers’ compensation premiums that are unacceptable or inappropriate for state reporting.
- The Task Code and Type Code fields are used to add Project Management module information to the timecard line item. For example, if the time on the timecard line item was spent working on a PM module task, attach a PM module task and type code to the line item. These fields will only be enabled if the Payroll module is set up to interface with the Project Management module (PR> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Enable Project Management interface toggle).
- Check the time card cycles that apply to the default time card line item.
- Time card cycles allow you to add multiple default time card line items to the employee record, but apply only certain line items to a Computer Checks batch when payroll is generated. Click here for information on time card cycles.
- You can add the time card line item to as many time card cycles as you would like. For example, you can check all of the Cycle toggles if the default time card line item should apply to all pay schedules.
- Deductions and benefits are attached to employee records using deduction/benefit cycles, which are not the same as time card cycles. Deduction/benefit cycles are set up separately on the Pay Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule> Deduction Cycle column). Click here for information on deduction cycles.
- Once a timecard line item has been created, you can use the Remove button to delete the line item or the Copy button to create a new line item based on the currently selected line item.
- Click the Next button to continue.
6 Complete the Web Timesheets step.
- Web Timesheets step is used to associate web timesheets with the new employee.
- This tab will only be enabled if the ESS online application is installed in your Springbrook database.
- Click the Add button to add a web timesheet to the data grid. This will open the Web Timesheet window.
- Select a web timesheet and click the Confirm icon . This will add the web timesheet to the window.
- Click here for information on Web Timesheet Maintenance.
- Click the Next button to continue.
7 Complete the Retirement Information step.
- Retirement Information step is used to configure the retirement options attached to an employee.
- Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) is the general title for all state sponsored retirement programs.
- The codes, reporting groups, types and plan codes are state specific and user defined.
- While these fields are not mandatory, it is important to complete the necessary fields for your state to ensure accurate reporting.
- Click the Next button to continue.
8 Complete the Deductions step.
- The Deduction step is used to attach deductions to the new employee record. This window will populate with any deductions marked as Default (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> General tab> Default toggle). Click here for information on Deduction/Benefit Maintenance.
- Highlight a deduction in the data grid and the deduction details will populate the Maintenance section to the right.
- Click the Add button to add a new deduction to the employee record. This will open the Deduction/Benefit Selection window.
- Highlight a deduction and click the Confirm icon to add the selected deduction to the window and to enable the Maintenance section to the right.
- The Code field will display the deduction code of the deduction attached to the employee record. This field will not be enabled.
- The Status field is used to set the status of the deduction.
- Select Active if the deduction should be active on the employee record.
- Select Suspended if you would like to disable the deduction. Deductions with a suspended status will not affect payroll checks. Suspended status deductions with a zero dollar balance will not display on paychecks unless the Show Inactive Deductions and Benefits toggle is checked and the Long Check Stub Check Type option is selected on the PR Setup window (PR> Utilities> Setup> Checks tab).
- Select One-Time Activate if the deduction should be used once. Deductions with a One-Time status will be included in a Computer Checks batch (PR> Computer Checks), but once the check is committed the deduction will change to a suspended status.
- Select One-Time Suspend if the deduction should be suspended the next time the employee is committed in a Computer Checks batch.
- When a deduction is set up as One-Time Suspend, it cannot be attached to paychecks generated in the Manual Checks process (PR> Manual Checks). The deduction can be attached to a manual check once the deduction has changed to an active status.
- The Reference field is an optional field and can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
- The deduction reference number displays on the Deduction Register Report (PR> Reports> Deduction Register).
- The Bank Code field is used to associate the deduction with a bank code.
- The Routing Number field will populate with the routing number associated with the selected bank code.
- The Direct Deposit field is used to enter the bank account number of the employee if the deduction is used as a direct deposit deduction.
- Banks are created and maintained using the Bank Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Bank).
- The Account Type field only applies to direct deposit deductions. The selection in this field will not affect deductions that are not direct deposit deductions.
- The Step field is used to select the step amount from the deduction record that should be applied to the employee record.
- Click the Step field label to select a step from a list. All of the deduction revisions attached to the deduction will display in the window. Select a deduction revision and then a step amount.
- Steps are created on a deduction using the Deduction/Benefit Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Calculation sub-tab> Revision Steps section).
- If a step amount does not apply to the employee record, enter a value in the Amount field to manually enter a deduction amount.
- The Amount field is used to set an amount on the employee record. If you do not select a step amount in the Step field, you must enter a value in this field.
- The Stop Date field is used to enter the date the deduction should end. When a payroll check is generated, the deduction will be excluded from the check if the end date of the deduction is less than the period end date of the payroll checks being processed.
- The period stop date of a payroll check batch is set up during the Generate step (PR> Computer Checks> Generate> Period End Date field).
- Leave this field blank if the benefit does not have an end date.
- This feature has not yet been implemented - if you would like to keep the deduction on the employee record, but you do not want it to affect paychecks, change the deduction to a suspended status.
- Enter an Annual Max to cap the deduction total during a calendar year.
- The annual maximum entered on the employee record will overwrite the maximum entered in the deduction record when payroll checks are generated (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Calculate tab> Annual Max field).
- Enter a Lifetime Max to cap the deduction total over the employment of an employee.
- The lifetime maximum entered on the employee record will overwrite the maximum entered in the deduction record when payroll checks are generated (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Calculate tab> Lifetime Max field).
- If additional money needs to be withheld and a Lifetime Max is used those dollars must be added to the total already taken.
- The Waived field is used to waive a deduction.
- Highlight a deduction in the data grid above and select Yes from the Waived drop-down menu. The selected deduction will now be removed from any payroll calculations for the employee.
- The Reason field is used to provide the reason that the deduction was waived. This field is limited to 32 characters.
- The Cycle toggles are used to select which deduction cycles the deduction will be included in.
- Deduction cycles allow you to add multiple deductions to the employee record, but apply only certain deductions to a Computer Checks batch when payroll is generated.
- Click here for information on deduction cycles.
- You can add the deduction to as many deduction cycles as you would like. For example, you can check all of the Cycle toggles if the deduction should apply to all pay schedules.
- Default time card line items are attached to employee records using time card cycles, which are not the same as deduction cycles. Time card cycles are set up separately on the Pay Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule> Time Card Cycle column). Click here for information on time card cycles.
- Click here for information on the order in which the deductions attached to the employee record will be deducted from a paycheck.
- Click the Next button to continue.
9 Complete the Benefits step.
- Benefits step is used to attach benefits to the new employee record. This window will populate with any benfits marked as Default (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> General tab> Default toggle). Click here for information on Deduction/Benefit Maintenance.
- Highlight a benefit in the data grid and the benefit details will populate the Maintenance section to the right.
- Click the Add button to add a new benefit to the employee record. This will open the Deduction/Benefit Selection window.
- Highlight a benefit and click the Confirm icon to add the selected benefit to the window and to enable the Maintenance section to the right.
- The Code field is displays the benefit code. This field will not be enabled.
- The Status field is used to set up the status of the benefit. Benefits that are set up as inactive will not affect the payroll checks generated on the employee record.
- The Reference field is an optional field and can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
- The Debit Account field is used to attach a GL account to the benefit that will be debited when payroll checks are generated for the benefit amount. The GL account entered in this field will override the GL account attached to the accrual record (PR> Maintenance> Deductions/Benefits> Open a benefit> Account tab> Debit Account section).
- The Step drop-down menu is used to select the step amount from the benefit record that should be applied to the employee record.
- Steps are created on a benefit using the Deduction/Benefit Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Open a benefit> Calculation sub-tab> Revision Steps section).
- The Amount field is used to set an amount on the employee record that will override the step amount on the benefit record.
- The Stop Date field is used to enter the date the benefit should end. When a payroll check is generated, the benefit will be excluded from the check if the end date of the benefit is less than the period end date of the payroll checks being processed.
- The period end date of a payroll check batch is set up during the Generate step (PR> Computer Checks> Generate> Period End Date field).
- Leave this field blank if the benefit does not have an end date.
- The Annual Maximum field is used to enter an annual max on the employee record. If you enter a value in this field, this will override the annual max set up on the benefit record (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Open a benefit> Calculation sub-tab Revisions section> Annual Max field).
- The Lifetime Maximum field is use to enter a lifetime max on the employee record. If you enter a value in this field, this will override the lifetime max set up on the benefit record (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Open a benefit> Calculation sub-tab Revisions section> Lifetime Max field).
- The Waived field is used to waive a benefit.
- Highlight a benefit in the data grid and select Yes from the Waived drop-down menu. The selected benefit will now be removed from any payroll calculations for the employee.
- The Reason field is used to provide the reason that the benefit was waived. This field is limited to 32 characters.
- The Cycle toggles are used to set up which deduction cycles the benefit will be included in.
- Deduction cycles allow you to add multiple benefits to the employee record, but apply only certain benefits to a Computer Checks batch when payroll is generated.
- Click here for information on deduction cycles.
- You can add the benefit to as many deduction cycles as you would like. For example, you can check all of the Cycle toggles if the benefit should apply to all pay schedules.
- Default time card line items are attached to employee records using time card cycles, which are not the same as deduction cycles. Time card cycles are set up separately on the Pay Schedule Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Schedule> Time Card Cycle column). Click here for information on time card cycles.
- Click the Next button to continue.
10 Complete the Tax Information step.
- The Tax Information step is used to modify the tax information attached to an employee record.
- When you attach a tax status to an employee record, you should also attach that deduction to the employee record. For example, if you enter S in the Federal Status field to set up an employee as single on federal taxes, you should also attach the federal tax deduction (FED) to the Deductions tab of the employee record so that federal taxes are deducted from the employee's paycheck. Click here for an overview on taxes.
- The EIC Status field is used to track the marriage status of an employee for the Earned Income Credit.
- The Federal Status field is used to select the federal tax status of the employee. Click the Federal Status field label to select a federal status from a list. This will open the Federal Status Selection window. The Federal Status Selection window will display all of the tax line items associated with the FED tax code.
- If there is a FED deduction attached to the employee record on the Deductions tab, you must select a status in the Federal Status field for the federal withholdings to calculate correctly. The federal status determines which line item on the tax table should be used to calculate the federal withholdings.
- The Dependent Dollar Amount field is used to record the amount in Step 3, box 3 of the W-4 form.
- Per IRS instructions, the amount in this box does not necessarily add up to the amounts in the fields within Step 3.
- Employees should be required to enter a value in this field.
- The Other Income field is used to record the amount in Step 4, box 4(a) of the W-4 form.
- This amount will be added to the annualized taxable wages before tax is calculated.
- This is expected to be an annual income increase.
- The Deductions field is used to record the amount in Step 4, box 4(b) of the W-4 form.
- This amount will be subtracted from the annualized taxable wages before the tax is calculated.
- This is expected to be an annual amount.
- The Extra Withholding field is used to record the amount in Step 4, box 4(c) of the W-4 form.
- This amount will be added to the per pay period calculated tax amount.
- This field works exactly like the Federal Extra $ amount in the 2019 calculations.
- The Multiple Jobs toggle will be toggled if the employee checked the box in Step 2: Account for Multiple Jobs on the W-4.
- If checked this will subtract a set amount called Standard Deduction on the Tax Table from the annualized wages.
- Any amounts in Other income and Deductions will also be included in the calculation.
- If this toggle is NOT checked on the employee the Standard Deduction will NOT be included in the calculation even if it is filled out on the tax table.
- Click the Next button to continue.
11 Complete the Distributions step.
- The Distribution step is used to specify the general ledger accounts that will be debited when payroll checks are processed on the employee (PR> Computer Checks).
- The GL accounts attached to the employee record will be debited when
payroll checks are processed. If there is a GL account attached to the
timecard line item, the GL account on the line item will be debited instead
of the GL accounts set up on this step. For example, if you attach a GL
account to a pay code and the pay code is used on a timecard line item, the
GL account on the pay code will override the GL account specified on this step.
- GL accounts are attached to pay codes using the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code). Click here for information on pay code maintenance.
- GL accounts can also be attached to rate codes (PR> Maintenance> Rate Code) using the Rate Code Maintenance window. The GL account on a rate code will override the GL account on the Distribution tab, and the pay code. Click here for information on rate code maintenance.
- A GL account can also be manually attached to a timecard line item when paychecks are generated in the Computer Checks process (PR> Computer Checks> Timecards). The GL account on the timecard will override the GL account on the Distribution tab.
- Highlight a GL account on the Distribution step and press DELETE or click the Remove button to remove the GL distribution line item from the employee record.
- Press INSERT or click the Add button to add a GL distribution line item to the employee record. This will add a line item to the window, enable the fields in the Details section to enter the GL account distribution information, and open the Chart of Accounts Selection Window to select the GL account you would like to add to the distribution.
- Select the desired GL account and click the Confirm icon .
- The Account and Description fields will populate with the account details.
- Enter the distribution percentage amount in the Percentage field. The GL distribution line items on the employee record must total 100%.
- The Task Code and Type Code fields are used to add Project Management module information to the distribution. These fields will only be enabled if the Payroll module is set up to interface with the Project Management module (PR> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Enable Project Management interface toggle).
- Click the Next button to continue.
12 Complete the Accruals step.
- The Accruals step is used to add accrual codes to the new employee record.
- Only the accruals attached to the employee record using the New Employee Wizard or the Employee Maintenance Accruals tab will appear on the employee’s check stub. Up to seven active accruals will appear on an employee’s check, but you can attach more than seven active accruals to the employee record. Only the first seven will print on the check stub, but all active accruals will continue to accrue hours.
- Click the Add button to add a new accrual to an employee. This will open the Accrual Selection window.
- Highlight the desired accrual code and click the Confirm icon . This will add the accrual code to the data grid and enable the Maintenance section to the right.
- The Accrual Code field will populate the selected accrual code. The accrual code determines the rate which the accrual will accrue.
- Accrual codes are created and maintained using the Accrual Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Accrual Code). Click here for information on accrual maintenance.
- The Accrual Type field is used to attach an accrual type to the employee record. The accrual type determines if the accrual will display on the check, and is the title of the accrual that will display on the paycheck and on Payroll module reports.
- Click the Accrual Type drop-down menu to select an accrual type.
- Accrual types are created and maintained using the Accrual Type Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Accrual Type). Click here for information on accrual type maintenance.
- An employee can have only one accrual code of each accrual type. Even if an accrual is inactive, the accrual type cannot be assigned to another accrual.
- The Accrual Status field is used to select the status of the accrual. Hours will only accrue on accruals that are set up as active. Inactive accruals will still display on the check, but they will not accrue hours.
- Enter a description of the accrual in the Description field. The description will only display on the accrual record on the employee's accrual tab. The accrual description will not display on checks or reports.
- The Web Pay Code field is used to specify a pay code that will override the default pay code used when an employee submits a time off request through the Employee Self Service (ESS) online application.
- The default ESS time off request pay code is set up on the Employee Self Service Setup window (SS> Web Application Setup> Employee Self Service> Accrual Types tab). Click here for information on Employee Self Service Setup.
- The Period Cap Source and Annual Cap Source drop-down menus are
used to specify which cap will be applied to the accrual code.
- Select Use Master to use the cap specified on the selected accrual code.
- Select Use Employee to change the cap figure for the current employee. This will only affect the current employee and will not change the cap set up on the accrual code.
- Select Suspend Capping to turn off the cap amount on the accrual code and the employee. This will only affect the current employee and will not accrual code record.
- If you select Use Employee in the Period Cap Source or Annual Cap Source fields, the Period Cap or Annual Cap fields will be enabled. Use these fields to specify the cap amount.
- Enter a debit and credit in the Debit Account and Credit Account fields if the Payroll module is set up to expense accruals as they are accrued rather than used. The GL accounts entered in these fields will override the GL accounts attached to the accrual code (PR> Maintenance> Accrual> Debit Account and Credit Account fields).
- Click the Next button to continue.
13 Complete the Premiums step.
- The Premiums step is used to attach a premium to the new employee record.
- The premiums attached to an employee record will affect wages on a
paycheck if the pay code on the time card line item is attached to the premium.
Click here for information on premium
- Premiums are created and maintained using the Premium Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Premium).
- Level breaks can be set up on premiums so that you can calculate the amount of the premium based on the number of months an employee has been employed (the number of months an employee has been employed is calculated using the anniversary date). If the employee does not qualify for the premium (there aren’t any level breaks on the premium that apply to the employee), the premium will not be added to the employee’s paychecks. This means you can attach a premium to the employee record but it will not display on paychecks.
- You can view the level breaks attached to a premium using the Premium Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Premiums> Levels section).
- When the employee is included in a Computer Checks batch, the Timecards step (PR> Computer Checks> Timecards> Select an employee> Expand a time card line item on the Timecards sub-tab) will display the premium pay on the generated timecard.
- Click the Add button to add a premium to the employee record. This will open the Premium Selection window.
- Highlight the desired premium and click the Confirm icon to attach the premium to the employee record.
- Click the Next button to continue.
14 Complete the Periodic Pay step.
- The Periodic Pay step is used to attach periodic pay codes to the employee. These periodic payments can then be annualized in order to calculate the FLSA regular rate.
- Click the Add button to add a periodic pay code to the step.
- This will open the Pay Code Selection window. Highlight the desired pay code and click the Confirm icon to add the pay code to the data grid.
- Only pay codes set up as FLSA periodic flat amounts will be displayed (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> Periodic Flat toggle, Payments Per Year field and either Include hours in FLSA rate or Include wages in FLSA rate toggles). Click here for information on Pay Code Maintenance.
- This will open the Pay Code Selection window. Highlight the desired pay code and click the Confirm icon to add the pay code to the data grid.
- The Rate Code column is used to select a rate code to attach to the periodic pay code.
- The amount set up on the rate code will determine the amount paid out by the periodic pay code. This rate code can be edited on an employee by employee basis.
- Rate codes are created and maintained on the Rate Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Rate Code). Click here for information on Rate Code maintenance.
- Click the Next button to continue.
15 Complete the I9 Information step.
- The I-9 Information step is used to attach I-9 identification information to the new employee record.
- Enter the desired employee information in the displayed fields.
- A full explanation of how to complete the I-9 form is available on the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services web site at Click here for information on completing the I-9 form.
- The E-Verify section is used to record the E-Verify worker eligibility case details associated with the selected employee.
- For more information on the E-Verify system, please visit the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services web site at Click here for information on E-Verify.
- Click the Next button to continue.
16 Complete the Miscellaneous Information step.
- The Miscellaneous Information step is used to attach user-defined information to the new employee record.
- Miscellaneous field labels are set up using the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels).
- Click here for information on setting up miscellaneous field labels.
- Click the Next button to continue.
17 Finalize the new employee.
- The final step in the New Employee Wizard is to finalize the new employee.
- Change the Status of the new employee to Active if you have completed all of the necessary steps to create the employee. Once the employee is active, you will still be able to edit the employee details on the HR and PR Employee Maintenance windows.
- Update the Anniversary Date, Seniority Date and Review Month if they have changed since they were specified in Step 2 above.
- Click the Finish button to complete the new employee creation process.