PR> Reports> Retirement

Retirement Report




The Retirement Report will display the gross Retirement 1 wages, the employer contribution to benefits that are calculated based on the Retirement 1 gross and employee deductions that are calculated based on the Retirement 1 gross. The report will also include deductions and benefits that are set up to increase or decrease the Retirement 1 gross amount. The title of the Retirement 1 gross is user defined, so it may not be called Retirement 1 in your application. The gross amounts titles are customized using the Miscellaneous Field Labels window. Click here for information on the Miscellaneous Field Labels window.


You can set up a pay code to increase gross Retirement 1 wages by checking the Retirement 1 toggle on the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> Gross to increase section). The Retirement 1 toggle has a user-defined label, so the Retirement 1 toggle will probably have a different name.


Deductions and benefits are set up to calculate based on the retirement 1 gross using the Deduction Benefit Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Calculation tab> Select Percent of Gross in the Calculation Method drop-down> Select Retirement 1 in the Wage Type drop-down menu).


Deductions and benefits are set up to increase or decrease the Retirement 1 gross using the Deduction Benefit Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> General tab> Gross to Increase or Gross to Decrease section> Retirement 1 toggle).


Related Links


Click here for information on the Report Publisher.


Step by Step


1     Open the Retirement window (PR> Reports> Retirement).