PR> Utilities> Employee EEOC Mass Update
PR Employee EEOC Mass Update
The Employee EEOC Mass Update utility is used to update the EEOC race value on a number of employee records at the same time. This tool allows organizations to quickly and efficiently update employee records to meet changing EEOC requirements.
Related Links
Click here for information on EEOC Type Maintenance.
Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Employee EEOC Mass Update utility (PR> Utilities> Employee EECO Mass Update).
- The Select Criteria section displays the fields that can be used to filter which employee records will be updated.
- Use the EEOC Value drop-down menu to filter the displayed employee records by the current EEOC race-type value attached to the employee record.
- EEOC race-type values are created and maintained on the EEOC Type Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> EEOC Types). Click here for information on EEOC Type Maintenance.
- EEOC race-type values are associated with employee records on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> click the Create icon to add an new line item to the EEOC Revisions section). Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
- Use the Reporting Group drop-down menu to filter the displayed employee records by the reporting groups the employees belong to.
- Employees are added and removed from reporting groups on the Reporting Group Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Reporting Group). Click here for information on Reporting Group Maintenance.
- Use the Status drop-down menu to filter the displayed employee records by status.
- Employee status is set on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Status drop-down menu).
- Use the Department drop-down menu to filter the displayed employee records by department.
- Departments are created and maintained on the Department Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Department). Click here for information on Department Maintenance.
- Employees are associated with departments on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Department field).
- Click the Refresh icon to apply the selected filters and display the filtered list of employees.
- Check the Selected column for each employee record you would like to include in the mass update.
- You can also use the Select All icon , or press CTRL+A, to select all the displayed employee records.
- Hold down SHIFT to select a range of employee records to include in the mass update.
- Click the Deselect All icon to deselect all the selected employee records.
- Specify a Target EEOC Date for the mass update.
- This will be the Effective Date associated with the updated EEOC value in the EEOC Revisions field on the employee record.
- This date will also determine which race values populate the Target EEOC Value field below. If an EEOC race value has a fiscal begin date that falls after the date specified in this field, that race value will not be available for selection below.
- Specify a Target EEOC Value for the mass update.
- This will be the new Race value in the EEOC Revisions field on the employee record.
- Before specifying a new EEOC Value, confirm that the desired EEOC race value has been created on the EEOC Type Maintenance window.
- Click the Save icon to update the selected employee records with the new Target EEOC Date and Value.