System Setup Module
The System Setup module is used to create and maintain records and setups that apply to the entire application. Users, user groups, menu security, database security, banks, bank accounts and system wide setups are all maintained in the System Setup module.
System Wide Security
The System Setup module is used to create and maintain users and user groups and then apply either menu or database security to those users or user groups. This allows administrators to maintain what information and processes are available to those accessing the application. The Cash Receipts module has its own security setups (operators, workstations, single user per batch, etc.) and those security settings are maintained in the Cash Receipts module.
Click here for information on database security.
Click here for information on menu security.
Click here for information on user account maintenance.
Click here for information on user group maintenance.
Click here for an overview on Cash Receipts module security.
User and User Groups
Users log into the Springbrook application using their network username and password, but only network users that have been set up in the application will be able to log in. This means Springbrook application users only have to remember a single username and password, and that information is maintained at the network level.
A user account is a network user that has been granted access to the application. The User Maintenance window (SS> Security> User) is used to create user records and add users to a user group. The User Group Maintenance window (SS> Security> User Group) is used to create user groups and add user accounts to a user group.
Security can be set up by user account and/or user group. User groups allow you to create security settings at a group level and then assign that security to user accounts. For example, if all UB clerks should have similar security settings (access to the same fields, windows and processes), you can create a UB Clerks user group and then assign all UB clerk user accounts to that group. The user accounts attached to the UB Clerk user group will inherit the security settings of the UB Clerk user group. If there are security settings on the user account that conflict with the user group security, the security settings on the user account will override the user group level settings. This allows you to assign specific security settings to user accounts. If a user account belongs to multiple user groups and the security on those user groups conflict (one grants access to a field and the other restricts it), the user group with the least restrictive access will apply.
Click here for information on user account maintenance.
Click here for information on user group maintenance.
Bank and Bank Account Maintenance
The Bank Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Bank) and Bank Account Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Bank Account) are used to create and maintain banks and bank accounts. A bank record contains the bank name and routing number of a bank used either by your organization or by a customer of your organization (for example, a UB customer bank used in the direct debit process).
The Bank Account Maintenance window is used to create and maintain bank accounts. A bank account record contains the bank account number and is attached to a bank record in order to associate the bank account number with a routing number.
Click here for information on bank maintenance.
Click here for information on bank account maintenance.
View Reports
The View Reports window is used to view any report that has been generated in the past. When reports are generated by the application server, the report is saved in an archive folder in a PDF file format. The View Reports window is used to locate the archived PDF file, display the report, save it the report to a new location or print the report.
Click here for information on the View Reports window.
Location Maintenance
The Location Maintenance window is used to create and maintain the physical and mailing addresses of your organization. Location records are the physical or mailing address of departments, offices or warehouses belonging to your organization and can be used throughout the application to reduce data entry.
The primary organization name and address are set up in the System Setup window (SS> Utilities> System Setup).