UB> Utilities> UB Defaults
Set UB Defaults
The UB Defaults window is used to set default values for new account wizard fields that rarely change. By setting these defaults, the new account wizard will automatically populate city, state and zip card information every time a new account is created.
Related Links
Click here for information on Account Maintenance.
Click here for information on the New Account Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the UB Defaults window (UB> Utilities> UB Defaults).
- The UB Defaults window will display all of the existing default field values.
- The Item drop-down menu is used to specify which Utility Billing window the default values will be assigned to. The New Account wizard is the only item currently available.
2 Set the default values.
- You are not required to specify a value for all of the displayed fields in order to save the defaults.
- Enter the desired cities in the New Customer City and New Lot City fields.
- Enter the state in the New Customer State and New Lot State fields.
- The state code must be a valid two digit state abbreviation.
- Enter the zip code in the New Customer Zip and New Lot Zip fields.
- You can enter a partial zip code if desired, but the format must match the standard XXXXX for a five digit zip code or XXXXX-XXXX for the ZIP+4 format.
- Click the Save icon when complete. The specified defaults will now automatically populate the applicable fields on the window selected in the Item drop-down menu above.