UB> Utilities> Import Bill To

Import Bill To




The Bill To Import process is used to help clients meet California SB-998 requirements regarding shut-off notices. According to the bill, if the customer’s address is not the address of the property to which residential service is provided, the notice also shall be sent to the address of the property to which residential service is provided, addressed to “Occupant.” The import tool uses a user-created .csv file to efficiently add bill to customer accounts to existing UB accounts. This customer account/UB account situation is most commonly encountered when the bill to is not the same as the account owner, such as in a tenant/landlord situation.

Note: This import process creates a new Springbrook Customer Number for every customer included in the file. There is no duplicate customer validation. If a customer included in the file is already associated with a Springbrook Customer Number, that customer will be associated with an additional Springbrook Customer Number after importing.


Related Links


Click here for information on UB Account Maintenance.


Step by Step


1     Open the Import Bill To window (UB> Utilities> Import Bill To).