AR> Invoices> Recurring
Generate Recurring Invoices
Follow this process to generate an AR recurring invoices batch for fees that are billed on a recurring basis. Recurring invoices must be attached to an AR account before a recurring invoices batch can be generated.
Related Links
Click here for information on Recurring Invoices Maintenance.
Click here for information on Committing the Invoices batch.
Click here for information on Past Dues.
Step by Step
2 Generate the recurring invoices.
- Open the Recurring Invoices window (AR> Invoices> Recurring).
- The Recurring Invoices window is used to generate the recurring invoices that will be included in the batch.
- When generating a recurring invoices batch, you will select the desired recurring invoice groups and the system will create invoices for the accounts set up with recurring invoices in the selected groups. You will not need to specify the billing cycles and fees, as these details were set up when the recurring invoice was initially attached to the AR account.
- Select the Recurring Invoices Groups you would like to include in these invoices.
- You can use the Select All and Deselect All icons when selecting the desired groups.
- Enter a Transaction Date and Due Date.
- The Transaction Date and Due Date are used in calculating past due fees in the AR module. Click here for information on Past Dues.
- The Transaction Date and Due Date are also used in calculating the age of a transaction on aging reports.
- Check the Auto apply available credits toggle if you would like the system to automatically apply any credit associated with the account towards generated invoices.
- Click the Confirm icon
to generate the recurring invoices.
3 Edit or enter invoices.
- Open the Edit Invoices window (AR> Invoices> Select/Update).
- If you used the Generate step to automatically generate invoices they will display in the Edit Invoices window. If you haven’t generated any invoices the window will be empty.
- Click the Create icon
to add an invoice. This will open the Enter Invoices window.
4 Enter additional invoices.
- Enter an Account Number to include in the invoices batch. If you do not know the customer number, you can click on the field label to select one from a list. Once an account number is selected the remaining account information will self-populate.
- The Transaction Date will automatically default to today’s date. You can overwrite it. Past dues can be calculated using the Transaction Date or the Due Date. The system will require a Due Date to be entered for the invoice, even if you are not going to process past dues. Click here for information on processing Past Dues.
- Reference Number is an optional field for tracking originating documentation.
- Information in the Description field will print above the detail of the invoice.
6 Commit the invoices batch.
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