CR> Cash Receipts> Enter Receipts
LP License Entry in CR
Licenses and applications can be created or renewed from the Enter Cash Receipts window using the LP Licensing window. This
allows you to create a license or application based on an LP License Type template as cash is received for the license.
In order to create a license from the CR module, you must have a License Type template set up.
Related Links
Click here for information on License Type Maintenance.
Click here for information on the License Maintenance window.
Click here for information on Business Maintenance.
Click here for information on License Status Maintenance.
Click here for information on Business Type Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Cash Entry window.
2 Open the LP Licensing window.
- Click the LP Licensing icon
drop-down menu and select LP Licensing. This will open the LP Licensing window.
3 Enter the License.
- You must have a License Type template set up in order to use the LP Licensing window. License Types are created and maintained on the License Type Maintenance window (LP> Maintenance> License Type). Click here for information on License Type Maintenance.
- The LP Licensing window is similar to the General tab of the LP License Maintenance window (LP> Maintenance> License). Click here for information on the License Maintenance window.
- Click the Operation drop-down menu to specify whether this will be a new application, a new billing, a new license or a license renewal.
- When renewing an existing license, the License Number field is the only field on the LP Licensing window that will be active. Once a license is selected, you will be able to update the license details and create an invoice for the renewal.
- Click the Category drop-down menu to select Business, Pet or Vehicle as the category for the license.
- The Category selection will determine what information is displayed to the right.
- Click the License Type field label to specify a license type for the license or application. Every license or application must be associated with a license type.
- License types make creating licenses simpler and less time consuming. License types dictate the fee codes and forms that will be used on the license. By creating a number of different license types based on these characteristics, you are not required to attach fee codes, forms, and other miscellaneous information to each license you create. You simply attach the license type to the license that should contain this information.
- After selecting a license type, the Fees and Forms sections below will populate with the fees and forms attached to the selected license type.
- The use of license types also allows you to classify similar licenses with each other for reporting purposes. License types are created and maintained on the License Type Maintenance window (LP> Maintenance> License Type Maintenance). Click here for information on License Type Maintenance.
- You can also click the View Schedule icon to view the renewal schedule for the selected license type.
- The Application Number field will automatically populate with the next available application number when the application is saved.
- Enter a License Number if you are creating a new license.
- Enter the company name in the Doing Business As field.
- Enter a Business Number or click the field label to choose one from a list. Businesses are created and maintained on the Business Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Business). Click here for information on Business Maintenance.
- The Customer Number, Customer Name, Lot Number and Service Address fields will automatically populate with the information associated with the selected business number.
- If the Customer Number does not automatically populate, or if you are creating a license or application for an individual rather than a business, you must click the field label and select a customer from the list. This is a required field.
- Click the License Status field label to specify a license status for the license.
- The License Status field will automatically populate with the status specified on the License Type selected above.
- The license status will automatically update as the license progresses through events specified on the License Type Maintenance window. For example, if the selected license type has a Status On Application of "APP" and a Status On New License of "NEW", the License Status field will display "APP" if it is created as an application and "NEW" if it is created as a new license or created from the application.
- License statuses are created and maintained on the License Status Maintenance window (LP> Maintenance> License Status Maintenance). Click here for information on License Status Maintenance.
- Select an Application Date from the drop-down menu. This field will default to today's date but can be edited.
- The Issue Date is the date that the license is physically delivered to the business or customer. This date does not have to be the same as the Start Date.
- The Issue Date field will automatically update to today's date when generating a license from an existing application.
- The Start Date field will automatically populate with the start date specified on the License Type selected above. This is the date that the license is considered active and the license term begins.
- If the Start Date is updated, the Recalculate icon
can be used to recalculate fee penalty units based on the new start date.
- The Duration, Duration Units, and Expiration Date fields will populate with the information attached to the selected License Type.
- The Expiration Date is tied to the Start Date, and will reflect a time period established by the values in the Duration and Duration Units fields.
- Check the Print license on receipt save toggle to automatically print the license when the receipt is saved.
- In order for this toggle to take effect, the current operator must be set up to print the receipt on save. This setting is enabled on the Operator Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Operator> Automatically Print Receipt on Save toggle). Click here for information on Operator Maintenance.
6 Complete the Forms section.
7 Receive payment on the license.
- The customer and account information associated with the new license or application should populate the Cash Entry window.
- The Amount Due will display the balance on each account included on the receipt.
- The Amount to Pay column will populate with the balance of each customer account on the
- Enter a payment amount in the Payments section and click the Save icon
to save the payment. This will also print the license forms specified in the previous step.
8 Commit the cash receipts batch.
- Click here for information on committing a cash receipts batch.
- If the License Type used to create the new license or application is set up with multiple License Statuses, committing the receipt will automatically update the License Status. For example, if the selected License Type is set up with OutPay (outstanding payment due) and PayFull (paid in full) statuses, when the license is created it will be in OutPay status. Once the license fees are paid in full and the CR batch is committed, the license status would switch to PayFull (paid in full). Click here for information on License Status Maintenance.
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