CR> Maintenance> Pay Method
CR Pay Method Maintenance
Pay methods are used to define what kind of payment is received when creating a receipt in the Cash
Entry window. The most common pay methods created are Cash, Check, Wire,
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Credit Card.
Slips can be attached to payment methods if you would like a specific slip to print
when a certain payment method is used. Slips attached to the payment method will
always print when a receipt is generated using that payment method. If there are
default slips set up in the Slip Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Slip) and
receipts are set up to print on save in the Operator Maintenance window (UB>
Maintenance> Operator), the default slips will print first followed by the slips
attached to the payment method. You can also attach a slip to a type
code if you would like a specific slip to print on a specific type code. (UB>
Maintenance> Type Code).
Once the payment methods have been created, you should set up a default payment method in
CR> Utilities> Setup> Default Payment Method drop-down menu. Payments
received in the Cash Entry window will default to the payment method when a
receipt is created.
The Payment Method Listing Report (CR> Reports> Payment Listing Report) allows you
to group receipts by payment type.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Cash Receipts module setup.
Click here for information on the Payment Listing Report.
Step by Step
1 Open the Pay Method Selection window (CR> Maintenance> Pay Method).
- Press DELETE to delete the highlighted payment method.
- Highlight a payment method and press ENTER to open the selected payment method.
- Press INSERT to create a new payment method. This will open the Pay Method Maintenance
2 Create a pay method.
- Enter a Payment Method. The Pay Method field can be up to 20
alphanumeric characters and will be used to identify a payment type from a drop-down menu.
- Enter a Payment Method Description. This field can be up to 25 alphanumeric characters long.
- Select a payment method in the Type drop-down menu. The pay method type determines
how the payments of payment methods will be grouped together on the Cash
Receipts Proof List (CR> Cash Receipts> Proof List) and the Receipts Listing
Report (CR> Reports> Receipt Listing).
- If you would like to group payments by payment method rather than type, generate a Pay Method
Listing Report (CR> Reports> Pay Method Listing).
- Enter an optional Cash GL Override account for the pay method or click the field label to select one from a list. This can be a full account or a partial account.
- When this payment method is used, this account will override the default cash account associated with the relevant rate, fee or type code. This is often useful when processing credit card payments, as there may be a delay in reconciling those transactions when compared to cash or check payments.
- If a pay method with an attached Cash GL Override is used in the Cash Receipts process, that CR receipt will be limited to one pay method. If additional pay methods need to be used, additional receipts will need to be created.
3 Attach a slip to a payment method.
- Slips attached to a payment type will always print when receipts are saved. If there are
default slips set up in the Slip Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Slip) and
receipts are set up to print on save in the Operator Maintenance window (UB>
Maintenance> Operator), the default slips will print first followed by the slips
attached to the payment method.
- If there are slips attached to a type code on the receipt they will print as well.
- Press INSERT to add a slip to the payment method. This will open the Slip Selection window.
- Select the specific Slip to print with this Pay Method or create a new slip.
- Click the right border of the window (the border will change colors when you hover
the mouse over it) to display the Maintenance section of the window.
- Highlight a slip and press ENTER to add a slip to the payment method.
- Each slip will be assigned a print order when it is attached to a payment method. The print
order determines the order that the slips will print when a receipt is created.
- Change the value in the Print Order column in order to change the order in which the slips
will print.
- Click on the Save icon
or press ENTER to save your work.
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