GL> Reporting Tools> Visual Reporting

Visual Reporting in GL




This tool was created to aid in producing GASB 34 reports. It allows you to define where you want GL account information to be located within a pre-existing Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Before this menu item can be used, you need an Excel spreadsheet that is already formatted.


To help you with this, Springbrook has a spreadsheet called Template that can be downloaded from the Springbrook Support website ( The spreadsheet contains the reports that are required under GASB 34. Those reports include the Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Activities (full-accrual reports), the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet, and Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (modified accrual reports) and a Reconciliation worksheet.


The labeled columns and rows on these worksheets are examples. You will need to tailor them to your organization. For example, some governments will not have Business-type activities on their Statement of Net Assets or Statement of Activities. In addition, you may not have Cash with Fiscal Agent or Tax Increment Receivables.


The budgetary statements in this spreadsheet are also examples. You will need to decide which funds are major funds and which will need budget to actual statements. This spreadsheet was created simply as an example and you are welcome to use it as a starting point.


If you’ve already implemented GASB 34, or perhaps an auditor or other professional has given you an example spreadsheet, you are certainly welcome to use it.


You can also create a new spreadsheet. For VRI, it does not matter what the file is named or where it is stored. You will also want to tailor the spreadsheet to your needs before you start assigning account numbers to Groups and Groups to cells using the VRI. If you change a spreadsheet by deleting or inserting a row or column after a cell in that spreadsheet has been assigned to a Group, the new cell location will have to be updated on the VRI Maintenance window.


Related Links


Click here to download VRI templates from Springbrook.

Click here for information on the Print VRI Reports window.

Click here for information on Set Maintenance.

Click here for information on Group Maintenance.


Step by Step






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