HR> Maintenance> Grade/Step
Grade/Step Maintenance
The Grade Maintenance window is used to create and maintain employee grade and step amounts. Grades
and steps are used to categorize and control the hourly wages or annual salaries of employees. For
example, you can create a grade titled Police Officer and set up the various
Police Officer salaries as step amounts (step 1 - $45,000 to $55,000, step 2 -
$56,750 to $68,000, etc.). When you hire a new police officer, attach the
Police Officer grade and a step to the new employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee>
Open an employee> Finance tab> Grade and Step fields), the salary
level attached to the Grade and Step will populate on the employee record.
The grade and step amount also functions as a validation and control on the
employee record. When the salary or hourly wage amounts are modified on an
employee record, the Employee Maintenance window verifies that the amounts are
correct based on the grade and step amounts attached to the employee record.
The job title or position of an employee does not necessarily have to match the grade description. For example, you can
create a generic grade titled Clerk and use this grade to control the salaries
of both Utility Billing Clerks and Payroll Clerks.
Grade and step amounts can be set up as a fixed salary/hourly wage amount or
as a range. If you are using fixed grade and step amounts (HR> Utilities> Setup> Use fixed grade and step toggle), you can enter only one salary/hourly wage
amount on each step on a grade. For example, all Police Officer I grade
employees that are on step 1 would have the same salary. If you do not use a
fixed grade and step amount, the hourly or salary amount of the employees
assigned to each step can vary based on a minimum, average, and maximum amount.
For example, all Police Officer I grade employees that are on step 1 make an
hourly wage or salary amount that is between the step high and low amounts.
The step amounts attached to a grade can be modified using the COLA process
(HR> COLA). This will increase the steps amounts and update the employee records
based on the modified step amounts.
Grades can be attached to union units using the Union Unit Maintenance window
(HR> Maintenance> Union Unit). Click
here for an overview on union units.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Human Resources Setup window.
Click here for information on the Employee Maintenance window.
Step by Step
2 Create or modify a grade.
- The Grade field is used to enter a grade code. The grade code can be up to eight
alphanumeric characters long.
- The Description field is used to enter a description of the grade. The description of the
grade can be up to 30 alphanumeric characters long.
- If you have a separate grade set up for each position, the description of the grade may
be a position title. For example, Police Officer I.
- If you do not have a separate grade for each position, the description of the grade may be
something generic. For example, Salaried Employee I.
- The Grade Type drop-down menu is used to select the type of grade you would like to create. The selection
in this field will change the functionality of the Steps section of the window.
- Select Annual Salary if you would like to create the step values of the grade based on annual salaries. The fields
in the Steps section will be used to enter a low, median, and high annual salary
amount for each step.
- Select Hourly if you would like to create the step values of the grade based on hourly wage amounts. The fields in
the Steps section will be used to enter a low, median and high hourly wage
amount for each step.
- The Always Eligible toggle is used in conjunction with the unions set up in the Human Resources module. Check this toggle if all employees, regardless of union, can use the grade.
- The Always Eligible toggle determines if the grade is specific to a union. When this toggle is checked, the grade can be used by any employee.
- When this toggle is not checked, only employees that belong to a union with the grade attached can use it (HR> Maintenance> Union Unit> Open a union unit> Grades tab).
- If you check this toggle, you can still add the grade to a union unit and set it up as a required record, but the grade can also be attached to employees that do not belong to a union unit. For example, if you are creating a grade that is used by the members of a specific union unit, but should also be available employees that do not belong to the union unit, check the Always Eligible toggle and add the grade to the union unit (HR> Maintenance> Union Unit> Open a union unit> Grades tab).
- Click here for an overview on union units.
- Click here for information on union unit maintenance.
- Click the Copy Grade icon to copy the revision and step information of an existing grade to the newly created grade.
- The Revisions section is used to create and maintain grade revisions. Revisions allow you to modify the step
amounts attached to a grade and set the date the new grade will become
effective. Revisions also allow you to track and view changes to the step
amounts attached to a grade.
- The Revisions section will display the revisions on the grade.
- If you are creating a new grade, create a revision to enter the step amounts. Select New Revision from the Create icon
drop-down menu at the top of the window. This will create a
new line item in the Revisions section.
- Highlight a revision and the Steps section will populate with the step amounts attached to the selected revision.
- Highlight a revision and press DELETE to delete the selected revision.
- The Effective Date column in the Revisions section is used to set the effective date of a revision.
For example, if you create a new revision, the new step amounts on the grade
will take effect on the effective date.
- The Steps section displays the step amounts attached to the revision selected in the Revisions section. The
function of the Steps section depends on the selection in the Grade Type drop-down menu, and how the Human Resources module is set up.
- The Grade Type drop-down menu is used to set up either hourly or annual salary step amounts.
- If the Use fixed grade and step toggle is checked on the Setup window (HR> Utilities> Setup), the Steps section
will display a single step amount column. The Hourly/Salary column will be the
single step amount that is allowed.
- If you would like to create a new step, click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select New Step. This will
create a new line item in the Steps section of the window.
- Highlight a step and modify the amount in any of the columns to change the step amounts. The new step amounts
will be used after the effective date of the selected revision. All employee
records attached to the modified grade and step will be modified.
- Rather than modifying the step amounts on a revision, you may want to create a new revision. This allows you to
track the changes made to the step amounts on the revision.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.
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