HR> Maintenance> Plan Maintenance

Plan Maintenance




The Plan Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Plan) is used to create and maintain plans. Plans have two functions: a template for creating new employees using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee) and attaching a union unit to an employee record using the Employee Maintenance window.


Plans are not attached directly to an employee record on the Employee Maintenance window. After you create a plan, attach the plan to a position (HR> Maintenance> Position> Open a position> Plans section). Click here for information on the Position Maintenance window. You can attach a plan to as many positions are you would like (if the plan applies to multiple positions), and you can attach as many plans to a position as you would like (if multiple plans apply to a single position). Once the plan is attached to a position, you can attach the plan to an employee record by attaching the position (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Open an employee> General tab> Position field). Clicking the Position field label on the Employee Maintenance window will open a search window that displays all of the positions and the plans attached to those positions. Select a position and a plan to attach the plan to an employee record.


When a plan is attached to an employee record:


Related Links


Click here for information on Position Maintenance.

Click here for information on union units.

Click here for information on the Employee Maintenance window.


Step by Step




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