HR> Maintenance> Union

Union Code Maintenance




The Union Selection Maintenance window is used to create and maintain union codes. Each union unit created in the Union Unit Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Union Unit) is attached to a union code 1 and a union code 2. The union code 1 functions like a grouping, and each union code 2 is a unique occurrence of a union code 1 and functions like a sub-grouping. For example, if a union negotiates for all line workers but creates separate contracts for truck drivers and service workers, you can set up the union as a union code 1 and then create a separate union code 2 for the truck drivers and the service workers.


Only union codes that have been created in the Union Code Maintenance window can be attached to union units using the Union Unit Maintenance window (HR> Maintenance> Union Unit> Create a union unit> Union Code 1 field), so you must create union codes before creating a union unit.


Related Links


Click here for information on union units.


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