PR> Computer Checks> Timecards

Premium Pay

Premium pay will display on a timecard line item if there is a premium attached to the employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Premiums tab) and that employee qualifies for the premium.


An employee qualifies for a premium if all of the following are true:


The premium amounts will display in the Premiums Amount column on each timecard line item on the Timecards tab of the Timecard Maintenance window (PR> Computer Checks> Timecards). You can also expand each timecard line item to see the premium codes that created the premium amount. For example, if the Premiums Amount represents two premiums, expand the timecard line item to see the premium amount of each premium applied to the timecard line item.


If a premium is set up as an aggregate amount, the premium amount will not display in the Premiums Amount column and the premium code will not display if you click the Expand button next to the timecard line item. Premiums are set up as aggregate premiums using the Premium Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Premiums> Select Yes in the Aggregate drop-down menu). Premium pay that is set up as an aggregate amount will display on the System Timecards sub-tab on the Timecards Maintenance window (PR> Computer Checks> Timecards> Select an employee on the Selection sub-tab).


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