PR> Maintenance> Premiums

Premium Maintenance




The Premium Maintenance window is used to create and maintain premiums. Premiums can be attached to an employee record and triggered by the pay codes on a paycheck or they can be set up as shift codes and attached to a time card line item. If a premium is attached to an employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Premium tab), the premium will apply when the pay code attached to the premium is added to a paycheck. Premium pay will display as a separate line item on the payroll checks.


Premiums can be calculated in three ways: percent, hourly amount and flat amount. Percentage premiums apply a percentage rate to the wages attached to a pay code (for example, if an employee should be paid a premium of 5% on wages attached to a certain pay code). Hourly Amount premiums add to the hourly rate of an employee (for example, if an employee should make an extra $.75 each hour because they are working the graveyard shift). Flat amount premiums add a flat amount to the paycheck (for example, if $25 should be added to the paycheck anytime a specific pay code is used).


You can also attach level breaks to premiums so that they calculate at different rates based on the length of time an employee has been employed. For example, if an employee that has been employed for more than 7 years should be given a larger premium than an employee that has been employed for 3 years, you can set up different premium rates for those employees based on the number of months they have been employed. The number of months an employee has been employed is calculated using the anniversary date on the employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Anniversary Date field). If the premium should calculate the same on all employees, you can create a single level break that applies to all employees.


Related Links


Click here for information on employee maintenance.

Click here for information on pay code maintenance.


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