PR> Maintenance> Workers' Compensation Code

Workers' Compensation Code Maintenance




The Workers' Compensation Maintenance window is used to create and maintain workers' compensation codes. The values entered in the Workers' Compensation Maintenance window will be used to calculate workers' compensation during the Calculate Payroll step of the Computer Checks process and when running workers'’ compensation reports (PR> Reports> Workers' Compensation Report). Workers' compensation can be calculated per dollar or hour worked, and this option is defined in the Setup window (PR> Utilities> Setup> Deductions tab> Workers' Compensation Calculated Per field).


Deductions are set up as workers' compensation deductions using the Deductions/Benefits Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deductions/Benefits> Calculations tab> Calculation Method drop-down - From table, and Wage Type drop-down - Workers' Compensation Table). When a paycheck is generated, the workers' compensation deduction will be calculated using the workers' compensation rate code attached to the time card line item. This will default to the workers' compensation code attached to the employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Financial tab> Workers' Compensation field). If there is a workers' compensation code attached to the rate code on the time card line item, the workers' compensation code on the rate code will override the workers' compensation code on the employee record. If there is a pay code attached to the time card line item, the workers' compensation code on the pay code will override the workers' compensation code on the rate code and the employee record.


Related Links


Click here for an overview on Workers' compensation.

Click here for information on employee maintenance.


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