Payroll Module

FLSA Hourly Rate

The Payroll module can be used to calculate FLSA hourly rates. Pay codes that should be included in the FLSA hourly rate calculation need to have either the Increase wages in FLSA rate or Increase hours in FLSA rate toggles checked on the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code).  This creates a bucket of money and/or hours that will be used in the calculation of the FLSA hourly rate.


Pay codes that should use the calculated FLSA hourly rate need to be set up to use the FLSA overtime pay type (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> Pay Type drop-down menu> FLSA Overtime). Click here for information on pay codes.


When payroll is calculated, the FLSA hourly rate will be calculated using the other timecard line items on the paycheck (not the committed timecards during any specific period). The FLSA hourly rate is calculated using the following formula:


FLSA Wages


FLSA Hours


FLSA Hourly Rate


The standard rate will show on the timecard, but the FLSA hourly rate will display on the Check Proof List (PR> Computer Checks> Check Proof List).


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