Revisions are used to set the effective date on changes to how payroll checks should be calculated. For example, if an employee will move into a new position with a higher salary, you can add that information to the employee record and have the new salary information become effective the day the employee starts their new job.
Revisions are created for:
When a Computer Checks batch is generated to calculate the payroll on employee records, the revisions will apply on the paychecks in the following way:
Description |
Automatically Generated Timecard |
Pay settings on the employee record (Financial tab) |
The hourly rate and other pay settings on the employee record will be applied to a paycheck based on the timecard date selected during the Generate step of the Computer Checks process (PR> Computer Checks> Generate). If the effective date of the pay revision on the Financial tab is less than or equal to the timecard date defined on the Generate step, the new hourly rate will apply. If you manually create a check on the Timecards step (PR> Computer Checks> Timecards), the pay revisions will still select a pay revision based on the timecard date on the Generate step. |
Default time cards |
When a Computer Checks batch is created, the time card date on the batch determines which default time card will be used. The Computer Checks batch will select the default time card with the effective date that is less than or equal to the time card date on the Computer Checks batch. |
Deduction/Benefits |
Deductions and Benefits will apply to an employee paycheck based on the period end date of the Computer Checks batch. If the effective date of the revision is less than or equal to the period end date, the revision on the deduction/benefit will apply to the paycheck. The paycheck will not prorate the pay if multiple revisions apply to a single pay period; the entire paycheck will be calculated using the most recent revision. |
Rate Codes |
Rate code revisions will apply based on the period end date of the Computer Checks batch. |
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