Payroll Module
Workers' Compensation Hierarchy
When paychecks are generated in Computer Checks (PR> Computer Checks), the
workers' compensation (WC) code that will be used on a timecard line item can be pulled
from several locations. The WC code will be pulled based on the following
- WC code attached directly to the timecard line item -
If a WC code is attached directly to the timecard line
item, that WC code will override all other WC
codes attached to the timecard or the employee record.
- Pay code attached to a timecard line item - If the WC code field is left blank on the timecard, the WC code attached to the pay code on the timecard line item will be used. The
WC code attached to the pay code will override the WC code specified on
the rate code and the employee record. You can attach a WC code to a pay
code using the Pay Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Pay Code> WC Code field).
- Rate code attached to the timecard line item - If the WC code field is left blank on the timecard and a WC code is not attached to the pay code, the WC code attached to the rate code on the timecard line item will be used. The WC code attached to the rate code will override the
WC code specified on the employee record. You
can attach a WC code to a rate code using
the Rate Code Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Rate Code> Workers' Compensation Code field).
- Employee record - If the WC code field is left blank on the timecard, and a WC code is not attached to the pay code or the rate code, the WC code attached to the employee record will be used. Because a WC code must be specified when the employee is created, this is the last place the
system will look for the WC code. You can attach a WC code to an employee record using the Employee Maintenance
window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Financial tab> Workers' Compensation field).
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