SA> Adjustments
Create a Transfer Adjustment
Once charges have been generated or payments have been processed, these transactions can be adjusted in the Special Assessments module using the Adjustments process (SA> Adjustments).
Follow this process to create a transfer adjustment. Transfer adjustments are often used to transfer credits or payments that are mistakenly applied to the wrong assessments.
Related Links
Click here for information on committing an adjustments batch.
Step by Step
3 Select and transfer the transactions.
- The following window will display the transactions that can be transferred from the source assessment and the receivables that the transfer can be applied to on the target assessment.
- Highlight the source payment or credit and the target receivable and click the Next button.
- CR Paydown payments cannot be transferred.
- The final window on the Adjustment Wizard will display the transfer transaction details.
- Click the Finish button to close the Adjustment Wizard and return to the Select Adjustments window.
- Each of the transactions that will result from the transfer will be displayed on the Select Adjustments window.
4 Commit the adjustments batch.
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