SA> Billing
Generate Bills
The SA Billing process is used to calculate charges and generate bills on assessments.
Related Links
Click here for information on Assessment Status Maintenance.
Click here for information on Billing Cycle Maintenance.
Click here for information on committing the billing batch.
Step by Step
2 Generate the Billings.
- Open the Generate Billing window (SA> Billing> Generate).
- Select the Assessment Statuses you would like to include in the batch.
- Click the Select All
or Deselect All
icon drop-down menus to select or deselect all of the displayed statuses. All assessment statuses are selected by default. - Assessment Statuses are created and maintained on the Assessment Status Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Assessment Status). Click here for information on Assessment Status Maintenance.
- Enter a Billing Cycle or click the field label to select one from a list.
- The selected billing cycle will determine which billing palette items are enabled. If the selected billing cycle is set up with "Bills" as the statement method, the Bills palette item will be enabled and the process will generate printed bills.
- If the selected billing cycle is set up with "Transfer Register" as the statement method, the Transfer Register Report and Transfer Register Export palette items will be enabled and the process will generate a report and an export file that contains the billing information.
- Transfer register export files are used by organizations that transfer assessment billing responsibilities to another entity. Once the transfer register report and export file are created, and the Billing batch is committed, the system will create both a receivable and a payment in the same transaction. Once the batch is committed, the account will be in PAID status.
- Billing cycles are created and maintained on the Billing Cycle Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Billing Cycle). Click here for information on Billing Cycle Maintenance.
- The Last Bill Date field will populate with the date that the selected billing cycle was last included in a billing batch.
- Specify the Transaction Date that will be associated with the billing batch.
- Specify the Interest Calculation Date that will be used to as the start date of interest calculations.
- If the interest calculation date is prior to an included assessment's grace period end date, no interest will be calculated for that assessment in this billing batch. The assessment grace period is set up when the assessment is created on the Assessment Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Assessment> General tab> Grace Period (Days) field).
- This is a required field.
- Enter a Due Date for the billing batch.
- Check the Automatically apply available credit toggle to automatically apply available credit when the billing batch is generated.
- The system will only apply up to the amount of the Bill, applying to Interest first and then to Principal. In addition to the standard Interest and Principal transactions created when every billing batch is generated, payment transactions against Interest and Principal are also created when this toggle is checked.
- If the Billing Cycle selected above is set up for Transfer Register output, this toggle will not be enabled.
- Check the Generate interest for outstanding billed principal toggle to override standard interest calculations by including unpaid, invoiced principal in the interest calculations.
- If this toggle IS NOT CHECKED, standard interest calculations will be used. Unpaid interest principal will be subtracted from the principal balance prior to calculating interest owed. This is the standard method of calculation.
- If this toggle IS CHECKED, the principal balance on the SA master record will not have any amount subtracted from it prior to calculating owed interest. This will also suppress system warnings that alert users to a principal balance that is less than zero.
- NOTE: Please confirm that your organization includes unpaid, invoiced principal in interest calculations before checking this toggle. Most organizations DO NOT calculate interest this way and should not check this toggle.
- Click the Confirm icon
when complete.
3 Edit the generated billing transactions.
- Open the Edit window (SA> Billing> Edit).
- The Billing tab of the Edit window is used to edit the assessments that will be included in the Billing batch.
- Each assessment included in the batch will display an Interest and a Principal billing transaction. If the Automatically apply available credit toggle was checked on the previous step, and an included assessment has available credit, payment transactions for Interest and Principal will also be displayed.
- Highlight an assessment transaction and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to remove the selected assessment from the batch. All transactions associated with that assessment will be removed.
- The Errors tab of the Edit window displays any assessments that meet the initial filtering criteria but could not be included in the batch. Each error line item will provide information as to why the assessment was excluded. These warnings will not prevent the Billing batch from being completed, but are meant to call attention to potential items of interest.
4 Print the reports and commit the billing batch.
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