Utility Billing Module

Final an Account Process Overview




When setting up how accounts will be finaled, there are two decisions to make.


Final account service requests can be used to enter the final readings on the devices on the account, and enter the forwarding address on the account. Once the final account service request has been closed and committed, the Final Account Wizard can be run on the UB account using the device readings and forwarding address on the final account service request. Generally, final account service requests are only used by larger organizations. Small organizations do not like to use the final account service request because they would rather just enter the final meter readings on the Final Account Wizard.


If the Bill Finals with cycle toggle is checked in UB> Utilities> Setup> Billing tab, the final billing for the account will be processed in UB> New Billings when the cycle of the finaled account is billed. If the Bill Finals with cycle toggle is not checked, the finaled account will be billed in UB> Final Billing.


Final an account using the Final Billing process


This is a summary of the final account process if final account service requests are not used, and UB account final billings are processed in UB> Final Billing.


Final Account Wizard – UB> Maintenance> Account> Delete icon

The Final Account Wizard will calculate a final billing on the account based on the device readings entered into the Final Account Wizard. Some organizations enter an estimated reading in the Final Account Wizard rather than waiting for the actual meter reading. The Final Account Wizard will create a new meter read line item on the device. The Final Account Wizard will change the status of the UB account to Final.

Create the Final Billing in UB> Final Billing

The Final Billing batch will create a final billing statement for each UB account selected in UB> Final Billing> Select Account. Final Billing batches are not processed by billing cycle. All UB accounts with a Final status will display in the Select Accounts/Final Billing window. When the batch is committed, the status of the customer account will change from Final to Delete.

Receive payment on the final billing

Payment on the final billing can be received in the UB or CR module.


Final an account using the New Billing process


This is a summary of the final account process if final account service requests are not used, and UB account final billings are processed in UB> New Billing.


Final Account Wizard – UB> Maintenance> Account> Delete icon

The Final Account Wizard will calculate a final billing on the account based on the device readings entered into the Final Account Wizard. Some organizations enter an estimated reading in the Final Account Wizard rather than waiting for the actual meter reading. The Final Account Wizard will create a new meter read line item on the device. The Final Account Wizard will change the status of the UB account to Final.

Create the Final Billing in UB> Final Billing


Receive payment on the final billing

Payment on the final billing can only be received in the CR module.


Final an account using a service request and the Final Billing process


This is a summary of the final account process if final account service requests are used and UB account final billings are processed in UB> New Final Billing.


Create a final account service request

The service request is used to initiate the final process. The service request code on the service request must be set up as a final account type.

Close and commit the final account service request

After the devices on the account have been read, the service request is closed and committed. The committed service request will add the device reading line items to the devices on the UB account. The status of the UB account will not change to final until the account has been process in the Final Account Wizard.

Final Account Wizard – UB> Final Billing > Final Accounts

The Final Account Wizard will calculate a final billing on the UB account based on the device readings from the final account service request. The Final Account Wizard will change the status of the UB account to Final and add “Final Billing” to the description of the device reading line items from the final account service request.

Create the Final Billing in UB> Final Billing

The Final Billing batch will create a final billing statement for each UB account selected in UB> Final Billing> Select Account. Final Billing batches are not processed by billing cycle. All UB accounts with a Final status that have been processed in the Final An Account Wizard will display in the Select Accounts/Final Billing window. When the batch is committed, the status of the customer account will change from Final to Delete.

Receive payment on the final billing

Payment on the final billing can be received in the UB or CR module.


Final an account using a service request and the New Billing process


This is a summary of the final account process if final account service requests are used, and UB account final billings are processed in UB> New Billing.


Create a final account service request

The service request is used to initiate the final process. The service request code on the service request must be set up as a final account type.

Close and commit the final account service request

After the devices on the account have been read, the service request is closed and committed. The committed service request will add the device reading line items to the devices on the UB account. The status of the UB account will not change to final until the account has been process in the Final Account Wizard.

Final Account Wizard – UB> Final Billing> Final Accounts

The Final Account Wizard will calculate a final billing on the account based on the device readings from the final account service request. The Final Account Wizard will change the status of the UB account to Final, and add “Final Billing” to the description of the device reading line items from the final account service request.

Create the Final Billing in UB> New Billing

The Final Billing will be generated from a UB> New Billing along with the rest of the billing cycle.

Receive payment on the final billing

Payment on the final billing can be received in the UB or CR module.


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