UB> Maintenance> Query by Example
QBE Report Builder Tool
The QBE Builder reporting tool is used to create customized
reports in the Utility Billing module. Reports are created in the QBE Builder by
selecting columns, creating arguments to remove records (Transaction Date < 01/01/15), selecting
how the report will group and sort, and then defining the totals that will
display on the report. After the report has been created, it can be printed out
or exported into an MS Excel, MS Access, or CSV format. Reports that have been
created using the QBE Builder tool can be saved and generated at any point.
This document will cover how to create a specific example report that provides an
explanation of primary tables, secondary tables, arguments, and totals. When
creating your own QBE reports, it is helpful to know the general structure of
the database and how the information entered into the fields on a window will be
stored in the database fields and tables.
The Table/Field help feature (Help> Table/Field) is designed to be used in
conjunction with database security (SS> Security> DB Security), but it can be
helpful when building QBE Reports to help you determine where the information
entered into a field on a window is stored. This tool will not always be helpful
because it will display the exact name of the table and field where the
information is stored, but QBE Builder uses simplified and more intuitive field
and table names. For example, turn on the Table/ Field help and open the Account
Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account). Open the
Account tab and move the mouse over the Billing Cycle field. A bubble
will display the following: Table Name: UB_Master, Field Name: Billing Cycle. On
the QBE Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> QBE Builder) the UB_Master table
has been renamed to Account Master, so the Billing Cycle field will display in
the Account Master primary table.
The example report created in this document will create a list of UB customer
account from meter read route “65” with consumption greater than “100” during
meter read period “12” and meter read year “2014.” You will also add a
consumption report total to the report.
Step by Step
Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
Click here for information on Table/Field help.
Step by Step
1 View the QBE reports.
2 Select the tables that contain the information you would like to include on the report.
- The first step in creating a customized report is selecting the information you would like to
display on the report. Information in a database is organized into tables and
fields. Fields are used to store specific information, for example a customer
name. Fields are then grouped into tables, for example a customer table that
contains all of the general customer information like address and phone number.
When information is entered into a window in the application, that information
is stored in a specific field, in a specific table. When creating a QBE report,
select the tables that contain the information you would like to include on the
report, and then select the fields.
- Select a table from the Table Name drop-down menu in the Primary Table section. The
Available Fields section will populate with the fields grouped into that table.
For example, if you select Account Master from the drop-down menu most of the
fields on the Account Master Maintenance window will display in the Available
fields section. If the table you select does not contain all of the fields you
want to report on you will have to select a secondary table.
- Some tables in the database are linked together because they share a common field called a key.
The key connects the data in the two tables together and defines how the data in
one table is related to the data in another table. For example, the Account
Master table is linked to the Financial table by the UB customer account number.
When financial data is generated the UB customer account number is also included
so the financial data can be linked to the customer information. If the table
you selected in the Table Name drop-down menu in the Primary Table
section is linked to other tables, you can select a secondary table in the
Secondary Table section. As you select a secondary table from the Table Name
drop-down menu, new fields will be added at the bottom of the Available
Fields section. If you need information from two different tables, but those
tables are not linked together, you will not be able to create the report.
- Select Meter in the Primary Table section. The Available Fields section will display the fields
in the Meters table. There will be a green star next to the fields in the
primary table.
- Select Meter History in the Secondary Table section. The fields in the Meter History table
will be added to the bottom of the Available Fields section. There will be a
child field icon next to the fields of the secondary table.
- If you were to select the Meter History table as the Primary table, you would not be able to
select the Meter table in the Secondary Table drop-down menu. These two tables
share a common key, (UB Meter Con ID) but you cannot select the tables in that
order because the Meter History table is a child table of the Meter table.
3 Select the fields you would like to include in the report.
- After you have selected the tables you can pull the fields from those tables onto the report.
Check the toggles of the fields you would like to include on the report in the
Available Fields section. Only fields with a check will display on the report.
- Select the Route/Sequence (Meter table), UB Account No, Reading Period, Reading
Year and Consumption 1 fields.
- There are six consumption fields: Consumption 1, consumption 2, consumption 3, etc. Each of
the consumption fields represents a consumption usage period. Consumption usage
periods are generally used to separate usage into peak and non-peak usage so you
can charge different rates. If you are not using consumption usage periods the
consumption on a meter will be stored in the Consumption 1 field.
4 Create a filter argument for the report.
- The fields below the Table Name drop-down menu are used to create an argument that will
filter the information that will display on the report. For example, if you
would only like to include meters with an install date greater than 06/01/14.
- These arguments are limited to 2048 characters.
- In this example we will filter the report by route number “65”, meter read period “12” and meter
read year “2014.” Since the Route field is in the Primary table and the
Read Period and Read Year fields are in the Meter History
table, the two portions of the argument will have to be separated. The Route
argument will be placed in the Primary Table section and the read period and
read year arguments will be placed in the Secondary Table section.
- In the Primary Table section, select Route No from the first drop-down menu below the Table Name field. The two fields next to this field are used to enter the
argument. Select Equals, and type 65 in the enabled fields. Click the Plus icon in the
Primary Table section to apply the argument to the report. The argument will populate
in the text field at the bottom of the Primary Table section and will look like this:
- You can create a route number argument for any route number format. For example, if your meter
routes are four digits, enter “0001” to include only meter route 0001 on the
- The format of the argument in the text field is: table name.field name. The table name will
generally vary from the table name selected in the Table Name drop-down
menu. The Table Name field generally displays a simplified and intuitive
name rather than the actual table name in order to make the fields and tables
easier to recognize and easier to use. The text field at the bottom of the
Primary Table section will display the actual table, and field name of the
selected tables and fields.
- Click the Test Query icon
to confirm that the query is valid.
- Enter the arguments in the Secondary Table section.
- When you enter an argument in the Primary Table and the Secondary Table section the arguments will
be joined with an AND statement, meaning records must meet the conditions in
both section before they will display on the report.
- Select Reading Period in the drop-down menu below the Table Name drop-down menu in the
Secondary Table section. Select Equals and enter “12” in the enabled fields.
Click the Plus button in the Secondary Table to add the argument to the report.
- You can also create arguments using other operators. For example, if you select “<”, all
meter periods greater than the entered period will display on the report. If you
select “=>”, all read periods equal to or less than the entered read period will
display on the report.
- The AND and OR buttons will be enabled after you add the argument to the report. The AND and OR
buttons are used to link the conditions of an argument together so you can build
more complicated filtering.
- Click the AND button to add another condition to the argument already entered. For example, if
you would like to filter the report by reading period and reading year, click
the AND button between arguments. Both conditions will be applied when the report
is generated and only records that match both the read period and read year will
be included on the report.
- Click the OR button if you would like a record that matches either condition to be included on the
report. For example, if you would like to include customer accounts on a report
if they have bank information entered on their account you should
join the two conditions with the OR button.
- The brackets are used to define the order in which the AND and OR statements will be applied.
Arguments within brackets will be calculated before arguments outside of
brackets. For example, you can create an OR statement inside an AND statement
using the following format: (statement 1 OR statement 2) AND (statement 3 OR
statement 4). The OR statements inside the brackets will be processed first, and
then the AND statement will be applied.
- Click the AND button since we want to filter by the read period and the read year. Select Read
Year in the drop-down menu below the Table Name field, select Equals, and
enter “2014”, and then click the Plus button to add the condition to the argument.
5 Set the number of records that will display on the report.
- The Limit field in the Primary Table section is used to define the maximum number of
records that will display on the report. If you set this value to a very large
number (99,999,999,999) you run the risk of creating a report that will take a
long time for your server to process.
7 Save the report.
- Enter a name for the report in the Report Name field.
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