UB> Maintenance> Service Request Code
Service Request Code Maintenance
The Service Request Code
Maintenance window is used to create and maintain service request codes. A
service request code acts as a template when creating individual service
requests because it defines what type of service is being performed by the
service request (add a new device, device change out, new account, device
reading, etc.) and if the service request is set up as billable.
The information set up on
the service request codes are default values and can be changed on the individual
service request. For example, when service requests are created using the
Service Request Input Wizard, you do not have to enter the same information on
the service request that is required by the request type (add device, remove
device, read device, etc.). If you are creating an Add Meter service request but
you do not add a device to the service request, the request will be processed
like a Show Device service request.
Attach a fee code to a service request code to create a billable service request code (fee codes are
created and maintained in UB> Maintenance> Fee Code). After a billable service
request code has been closed and committed, it can be processed in UB> Cash
Receipts> Bill Service Requests to charge the customer the fee code attached to
the service request code.
Related Links
Click here for an overview of service requests.
Click here for information on billable service requests.
Click here for information on the Service Request Input window.
Click here for information on fee code maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Service Request Code Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Service Request Code).
- Service request codes that have already been created will display in the left section of the window.
- Select a service request code and the fields in the Maintenance section will populate with the information of the
selected service request code.
- Click the Delete icon
to delete a service request code. If there are service requests attached to the selected
service request code you will not be able to delete it.
2 Create a new service request code or open an existing one.
- Click the Create icon
to create a new service request. This will create a new record in the left section of
the window and the fields in the Maintenance section will be blank.
- Enter a Request Code. The Request Code can be up to six alphanumeric
characters and must be unique.
- After a service request code has been entered and saved, the value in the Request Code field cannot be modified.
- Enter a Description to identify the Request Code. The description can be up to
30 alphanumeric characters.
- Select a Service Type from the drop-down menu.
- The service type defines the action that is being performed on the customer account and acts
as a default for how the service request should be processed. When service
requests are created using the Service Request Input Wizard, you do not have to
enter the same information on the service request that is required by the
service type. For example, if you are creating an Add Meter service request but
you do not add a device to the service request, the request will be processed
like a Show Device service request.
- The request types are preprogrammed into the software and cannot be modified.
- The Add Device service type is used to install a device on an account.
- The Remove Device service type is used to remove a device on an account. When the service
request is committed, the device will change to Removed status on the account.
- In order to reinstall a removed meter on an account you can create a Reactivate Device
service type to change the status of the removed device from Removed to
- The Change-out Device service type is used to remove a device on the account and replace it
with a new device.
- The Final Account service type is used to input a final read on a device, enter the
forwarding address on the account, and change the account to Suspended status
when the service request is committed in UB> Service Requests> Commit.
- Once the final account service request has been committed, the account will can be finaled
using the Final Account Wizard (UB> Final Billing> Final Accounts).
- This is an optional service request because you can run the Final Account Wizard on an
account without processing a Final Account service request on the account.
- The New Account service type is used to change the status of an account from Suspended
to Active status. When an account is created using the New Account Wizard, by
default the status of the created account is Suspended because there can be only
one active account on a lot. In order to change the account to Active status,
you can either process a New Account service request or change the account
status manually (UB> Maintenance> Account> Account tab> Account Status field).
- This is an optional service request because you can manually change the status of the
customer account to Active (UB> Maintenance> Account> Account
tab> Account sub-tab> Status field).
- The Read Device service type is used to enter a meter read on a device.
- The Show Device service type is similar to a Read Request type but is does not require
you to enter a device reading. This type of service request is generally used
for inspection requests such as water discoloration.
- If you leave the Service Type field blank, no device information such as the device
location will be attached to the service request. The service request will only
include the customer information.
- If you would like the device information to display on the service request but you do not
want to enter a device reading, select Show Device.
- When you are creating service requests in the Service Request Input Wizard (UB> Service
Requests> Input> Create icon) you can select the devices that are attached to
the service request. No matter which service request code you select, if you do
not select a device the service request will be processed just like a blank
request type service code. The service request will only include the customer
account information. It will not include any device information such as the
device location.
- Create a billable service request. If the service request is billable, complete the Fee Code and Default Charge fields.
- When creating a service request that is set up as billable, users will have the option to
remove the charges if they do not apply. When the service is created using the
Service Request Wizard the default charge can be changed to zero. The service
request will still display in the Bill Service Requests window (UB> Cash
Receipts> Bill Service Requests) in order to track that the charges have been
zeroed, but not charges will be applied.
- Click the Fee Code field label to select a fee code from a list.
- The fee code attached to the service request will determine which general ledger accounts
will be used when generating the service request fee. Fee codes are created and maintained in UB> Maintenance> Fee.
- If you attach a fee code to the service request code, make sure that the service charged by
the fee code will be attached to the customer account. If the service is not
attached to the customer account, you will receive an error message when you run
the Bill Service Requests process (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Bill Service Requests).
- The service request fee will be billed to the service attached to the fee code in UB>
Maintenance> Fee Code> Service to Charge field. This service will be
charged no matter which device types you attach to the service request.
- Enter a Default Charge.
- The Default Charge field will default with the flat amount on the fee code.
- Flat Amounts are set up on fee codes in UB> Maintenance> Fee Code> Flat Amount
- If you modify the value in this field from the default amount, the modified amount will
override the flat amount on the fee code when the service request is billed.
- When a service request is created using the Service Request Input Wizard, you can modify the
charge for a service request from the default amount.
- If you do not enter an amount in the Default Charge field, you can enter the
amount on each service request when they are created using the Service Request
Input Wizard.
- If you want to bill customers at different rates for a service request, you will have to create
separate service request codes or just enter the different rates when the
service request is created.
- When a service request is closed and committed (via UB> Service Requests> Commit), the
customer will not be billed. The customer account will not be billed for a
service request until it has been processed (UB> Adjustments and Fees> Bill Service
- Select a Device Type from the drop-down menu if you would like to attach a
default device type to the service request code. This is not a required field.
- When a service request is created using the Service Request Input Wizard (UB> Service Request>
Input), users select which devices will be included on the service request. If
there is a device on the customer account that is the same as the default device
type on the service request, then the device will be automatically selected.
- The default device type is only a default process used to reduce data entry on service
requests that are generally performed on a certain type of device type. If the
default device type is not on the customer account being processed, then no
device will be selected and the default device type will not apply. If the
default device is present on the customer account but it should not be used on
the service request, you can deselect the device when the service request is
being created.
- The default device type on the service request code does not apply to service requests that
create or add a device to an account. When a new device is created using the
Service Request Input Wizard, the default device type set up on the service
request code will not populate on the service request. The service request will
populate with the default device type set up in device type maintenance (For
example, if it is a water meter, water meter device types are set up in UB>
Maintenance> Water Device Type).
- All of the default device types attached to the customer account will be selected on the
Service Request Input Wizard. If there is more than one default device type
attached to the customer account, they will all be selected.
- Click the WO Number field to associate a recurring estimate with the service request code.
- By associating a recurring estimate with a service request code, you can automatically create a new work order to address the needs of the service request code. For example, your organization may need to create a work order to dispatch a technician every time a water meter needs to be changed. In order to automate the work order creation, you would follow these steps:
- Create a recurring estimate that includes the labor, equipment, material and service expenses that are associated with the meter changeout. Recurring estimates are created and maintained on the Recurring Estimate Maintenance window (WO> Recurring Estimates> Recurring Estimates). Click here for information on Recurring Estimate Maintenance.
- Attach that recurring estimate to the Service Request Code that identifies the service request as a meter changeout.
- When a service request is created and committed using that service request code, a new work order will be automatically created to dispatch the technician.
- A service request code that is associated with a recurring estimate can be used to create a service request from the Work Order Maintenance window (WO> Work Orders> Work Orders> Service Requests tab> UB Service Request icon
). Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
- Click the Assign To field to assign a default user to the service request code.
- This field is designed to improve efficiency by automatically assigning any service requests generated from this service request code to a default Springbrook user. The user assigned to the service request can be edited when the service request is created.
- Check the Emergency Request toggle if you use this toggle in reporting. The
selection in this toggle does not affect how the service request will display or
be processed. This toggle will only affect custom reports.
- The emergency status will be applied to all service requests attached to this service request
code. You will not be able to uncheck the Emergency toggle as you create
the service request using the Service Request Input Wizard.
- Check the Auto Commit toggle if you would like the service
request to become committed when the status of the service request is
changed to Closed. Service requests processed with this service request code
will not have to be committed in UB> Service Requests> Commit.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.
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