UB> Meter Management> Input New
Input a New Meter Reading
The Input New Meter Readings window is used to manually enter new meter readings on all of the
meters in a meter route. The Input New Meter Readings window also allows you to
generate estimated meter readings on all the meters in a route. After meter
readings have been entered or generated using the Input New Meter Readings
window, you can modify the read date, read year, read period or estimate of
each meter reading using the Edit Meter Reading window (UB> Meter Management>
If you import meter readings from handheld devices (UB> Meter Management> Readings Import) you will not use
this palette option. If you would like to enter a meter reading on a single
customer account, you can enter a meter reading using the Device Maintenance
window (UB> Maintenance> Device> Consumption tab, or you can
access this device from the Devices tab of the Account Master Maintenance
window). You can also enter the reading by creating a read meter service request
using the Service Request Input Wizard (UB> Service Requests> Input> Create
Related Links
Click here for information on editing meter readings.
Step by Step
1 Select the meters you would like to enter meter readings on.
- Open the Input New Meter Readings window (UB> Meter Management> Input New).
- The Parameters To Generate Readings Input Table section is used to select which meters you
would like to enter a manual meter reading on.
- Enter the type of meter you would like to enter a reading on in the Meter Type
drop-down menu.
- The Route field is used to select a meter route.
- Only meter routes created in Route Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Routes) will
display in the drop-down menu.
- The meter route of a meter can be viewed and modified using the Device Maintenance window
(UB> Maintenance> Device> Connections tab> Routes
- The Estimate Method drop-down menu is used to estimate the meter readings on the
meters in the route. Select a method from the drop-down menu if you would
like to apply an estimate to all of the meters in the route. Use the Edit
Meter Readings window (UB> Meter Management> Edit) if you would like to
estimate the reading on a single meter in the route.
- Select Previous Read if you would like to estimate the consumption based on
the last meter reading on the meter. The current reading will be the
previous reading on the device, resulting in a consumption of zero.
- Select Multiply EDU’s if you would like to calculate the consumption based on the meter
EDU’s attached to the meters in the route. When this option is selected,
a field titled EDU Multiplier will become visible.
- A meter EDU is entered on a device using the Device Maintenance window (UB>
Maintenance> Device> Connections tab> EDU column).
- The Multiply EDU option will multiply the value in the EDU Multiplier
field by the value in the EDU field on the meter to calculate
the consumption on the meter. For example, if you enter 100 in the
EDU Multiplier field and the meter has an EDU of 4, the consumption
will be calculated at 400 units.
- Select Previous Reading Period if you would like to estimate the new meter reading based on the
consumption during the last meter read period (consumption will be
estimated based on meter read period, not meter read date). This method
will add the consumption during the previous meter read period to the
last meter reading to calculate the new meter reading and consumption.
For example, if the previous period consumption and meter reading was
1000 and 12,000, the estimated reading will be 13,000 with consumption
of 1000 units.
- If there are multiple readings during the previous meter read period, those meter
readings will be added together to determine the estimated amount.
- If a meter was not read during the previous period, the meter reading will default
to the last reading that was read on the meter. If there is not a
meter reading during the previous meter read period, an Expansion
icon will display next to the meter reading.
- If you would like to generate the estimate based on the last read period rather
than the meter read of the last period, select Previous Reading’s
Period in the Estimate Method drop-down menu.
- Select Same Period Last Year if you would like to use the consumption of the same period in
the previous year as the estimate of the current reading. If the meter
does not have a reading in the same period in the last year, the reading
will default to the prior reading on the meter.
- Select Winter Average if you would like to use the last calculated and committed
winter average on a meter to estimate the consumption. If no winter
average is found on the meter or the calculated winter average has not
been committed, the reading will default to the prior reading on the
- If there are multiple winter averages on the customer account, the consumption
will calculated based on the winter average with the most recent
winter average effective date (UB> Maintenance> Account> Winter Averages tab> Effective Date field).
This applies even if the winter average effective date is in the
future. This means winter averages that have still not reached their
effective dates will be used to calculate the consumption.
- Enter the default read date in the Default Read Date drop-down menu. The default date will
be used as the read date for all meter readings in the route.
- You will not be able to modify the read date of specific meters from the Input New Meter
Readings window. If you would like to modify the read date of a specific
meter, open the reading in the Edit Meter Readings window (UB> Meter Management> Edit) after the readings have been entered.
- Enter the Reading Period and Reading Year of the meter readings.
- You will not be able to modify the reading period or reading year of specific meters
from the Input New Meter Readings window. If you would like to modify
the reading period or reading year of a specific meter, open the reading
in the Edit Meter Readings window (UB> Meter Management> Edit) after the
readings have been entered.
- Click the Refresh icon
once you have select the meter readings you would like to enter. This will
populate the Input New Meter Readings window with the meters in the selected
route. If you have selected an estimate meter readings option, the meters
will populate with the estimated meter readings.
- UB module accounts that have meter readings set up as New will not display in the window. You can view the New toggle
on meter readings using the Device Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Device> Consumption tab> Select
a reading> New toggle).
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