UB> Past Dues

Past Dues




The Past Due process allows you to pull UB customer accounts into a Past Dues batch based on billing cycle, age of outstanding transactions and customer account status. Once customer accounts have been included in a Past Dues batch, penalties are assessed using an adjustment type code.


Customer accounts can be processed in more than one Past Dues batch at a time, so make sure when you are assessing penalties that if customers are being processed in another batch that they are not being double charged.


The adjustment code used to assess the late fees is a collection of fee codes. The fee codes attached to the adjustment type code determine which GL accounts will be used in the transaction and how penalty charges are assessed on the customer accounts. The fee codes on the adjustment code will also determine which customer accounts are pulled into the Past Dues batch based on the services attached to the fee codes and the minimum amount of past due balances that the fee code will apply to. If there is credit information attached to the adjustment type code, a credit history line item will be created on all customer accounts processed in the Past Dues batch. Credit history line items display in the Credit History section on the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Overview tab).


The entire balance of the customer accounts will only be pulled into the batch if all of the services that are attached to the customer accounts are also attached to the fee codes used to assess the penalties. Only the account balances on services that are attached to the selected Past fee codes will be pulled into the batch.


The journal entry created by the Past Dues process will debit the AR account and credit the revenue account attached to the fee code. The GL type of the adjustment type code will not affect the journal entry created by the Past Dues process.


After customer accounts have been selected and processed in the Past Dues batch, you can generate Past Due statements for the customer accounts in the batch. Past due statements are set up in UB> Utilities> Statement Maintenance.


After the Past Dues batch is committed, the past dues will display on the customer account as an adjustment line item transaction type. The amount of the adjustment line item will be the amount of the penalties assessed on the account. The adjustments will only display on the customer accounts when the batch is committed (UB> Maintenance> Account> History tab). Uncommitted Past Due transactions will not display on the accounts in the batch.


Related Links


Click here for information on Adjustment Type Code Maintenance.

Click here for information on Fee Code Maintenance.

Click here for information on Statement Setup.

Click here for information on Statement Message Maintenance.

Click here for an overview of the Credit History feature.

Click here for an overview on service requests.


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