New Account Wizard

Create a Customer Deposit using the New Account Wizard




The Utility Billing module allows you to charge deposits on customer accounts when a new customer account is created using the New Account Wizard. To create a deposit, a deposit type fee code is added during the final step of the Wizard. The fee code will determine the amount of the deposit, the service that will be charged the deposit amount and the GL accounts used in the transactions. The service attached to the deposit fee code (UB> Maintenance> Fee Code> Select a fee code> Service to Charge drop-down) must be attached to the UB customer account.


When the New Account Wizard is completed, a billing transaction is created in an open UB Adjustments and Fee batch to record a receivable for the deposit amount. When the customer pays the deposit amount, both a payment and a deposit transaction are created. The Payment transaction reverses the Billing transaction and the Deposit transaction records the deposit and represents the obligation to repay the deposit amount.


Related Links


Click here for an overview on deposits.

Click here for information on the New Account Wizard.

Click here for information on Fee Code Maintenance.


Step by Step





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