UB> Winter Averaging
Winter Averaging
The Winter Averaging process is used to calculate an average consumption for UB
customer accounts based on previous consumption. The previous consumption
included in the winter average calculation is selected using meter read periods and meter reading
dates. Depending on how the service rates attached to the UB customer accounts
are set up, the calculated average consumption is billed instead of the actual
consumption when bills are generated in the New Billing process (UB> New
Billing). The calculated
winter average will only replace the billable consumption on the customer
account. The minimum and tax amounts attached to service rates on the customer
account will bill as usual, but the consumption will be using the calculated
winter average consumption amount.
Winter averages can only be calculated on Active and Suspended status accounts. You cannot calculate a
winter average on Vacation, Delete or Final status UB customer accounts. Before
you use the Winter Average process, make sure you set up the UB module and
service rates to use the winter average process.
Springbrook users generally use the Winter Averaging process in two ways:
- Calculate a winter average on accounts based on consumption during the fall months. The
calculated winter average is then applied to accounts during the winter
- If sewer usage is calculated based on water usage, some Springbrook users apply a summer sewer
average so that customers are not charged a higher sewer rate based on
increased water usage during the summer months. An average is calculated on
spring water usage, and then the average is applied to the sewer service
rates during the summer months.
The Winter Average process calculates the winter average consumption amount using the prior meter readings
on a device. The prior meter readings that should be included in the winter
average calculation are selected during the Generate step (UB> Winter Average>
Generate). The meter readings are selected by meter read period and meter read
date. Only meter readings of both the selected meter period and meter read date
will be included in the winter average calculation. For example, a meter reading
with a read date of 06/15/15 and a read period of 05 will only be included in
the winter average calculation if both read period 05 and read date of 06/15/15
are selected. If only the read date or the read period is selected, the meter
reading will not be included in the winter average calculation.
Prior meter readings on a device attached to other customer accounts will not be included in the winter
average calculation. For example, if a new customer moves into a lot, the meter
readings attached to the previous resident on the lot will not affect the winter
average calculation of the new customer.
The billed status of a meter read does not affect whether it will be included in the winter average
calculation. The winter average calculation treats billed and unbilled readings
the same. For example, if you would like to include unbilled readings in the
winter average calculation, just select the read period and read date of the
unbilled readings in the Generate step (UB> Winter Average> Generate).
There is an option on the Generate step (UB> Winter Average> Generate) that allows you to include the
meter readings of removed meters in the winter average calculation. This option
allows you to include the meter readings of meters that have been removed or
changed-out in the winter average. The meter readings on the removed meter will
have to pass the same meter read period and meter read date filter that is
applied to the other meter readings. For example, if a meter has been
changed-out, the meter readings of that meter will only be included in the
winter average if the Use Removed Meters toggle is checked (UB> Winter
Average> Generate) and those meter readings occurred during the selected read
period and read date range. If the meter readings are from a previous account on
the lot, the meter readings will not be included in the winter average
After the winter average has been calculated using the Generate step, the calculated winter average can
be modified using the Winter Average tab on the Account Master Maintenance
window (UB> Maintenance> Account). Once the Winter Average
batch is committed, the calculated winter average consumption amount will be
used instead of the actual consumption during each billing period set up as a
winter average period on the service rate (UB> Maintenance> Service Rate> Winter Average / Taxes tab).
Before you use the Winter Average process, make sure you set up the UB module and service rates.
Related Links
Click here for information on setting up the Winter Average process.
Click here for a summary on bill types.
Step by Step
2 Generate the winter averages.
- The Generate step is used to generate the calculated winter average amount. The Generate step is
where you set up how the winter average will be calculated and which meter
readings will be included in the calculation.
- Select the Generate from the Winter Averaging palette. This will open the Generate window.
- Select the meter readings to include in the winter average calculation. Meter readings are
included in the winter average calculation if both the read date and read
period of the reading are selected. For example, if a meter read has a read
date of 06/15/15, but a read period of 05, the meter reading will only be
included in the winter average calculation if the read date and read period
are included. If there are prior readings on a meter that are attached to
the previous UB customer account on the lot, those meter readings will not
be included in the winter average calculation. For example, if a customer
moves into a new lot, the meter readings on the previous customer on that
lot will not affect the calculated winter average on the new customer.
- The Periods field is used to select the meter reading periods that will be included
in the winter average calculation. Check the meter reading periods you
would like to include in the winter average calculation.
- The Consumption From and Consumption To fields are used to select
the meter reading dates you would like to include in the winter average
calculation. For example, if you would like to include meter readings
with a read date between 04/01/15 to 06/30/15, enter those dates in the
Consumption From and Consumption To fields.
- A meter readings will only be included if the winter average calculation if both the
meter read date and meter read period are selected in the Generate
- The Bill Types field is used to select the meters you would like
to generate a winter average on. Winter averages will only be calculated on
meters that are attached to the selected bill types. If a meter is attached
to a bill type that is not selected in the Bill Types field, no winter
average will be calculated.
- You can view the bill type attached to a device using the Device
Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Device> Meter tab>
Device Type section> Bill Type field).
- The Cycles field is used to select which UB customer accounts you would like to include in the
Winter Average batch. Check the toggles of the billing cycles you would like
to include. Final and Vacation status customer accounts in selected billing
cycles will not be processed in the Winter Average batch.
- Billing cycles are created in UB> Maintenance> Cycle Code and attached to accounts on the
Account tab of the account maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account>
Account tab).
- Enter an Effective Date. The effective date is the date the calculated winter average
will take effect. Billing batches generated with a period begin date after
the effective date will bill the calculated winter average rather than the
actual billing amount on the account.
- If there are multiple winter averages that apply to a UB customer account in the same
billing period, only the most recent average will apply. For example, if
there is a winter average with an effective date of 11/15/15 and the
account has a previous winter average, a billing that begins on 11/01/15
will only use the winter average with the effective date of 11/15/15.
The winter average will not be prorated on the billing. The billing will
apply the entire 11/15/15 winter average amount.
- Use the Rounding drop-down menu to select how you would like the winter average
calculation to be rounded.
- Select Off if you would like to round the calculated winter average to the nearest consumption unit using
standard rounding. For example, if the calculated winter average is 100.5, it
will be rounded up to 101. If the winter average is 100.40, it will be rounded
down to 100.
- Select Up if you would always like to round the calculated winter average up to the nearest whole
consumption unit. For example, if the calculated winter average is 100.1, it will be
rounded up to 101.
- Select Down if you would always like to round the calculated winter average down to the nearest
whole consumption unit. For example, if the calculated winter average is 100.9, it will
round down to 100.
- Select Nearest Ten if you would like to round the calculated winter average to the nearest ten
digits using standard rounding. For example, if a calculated winter average in
105.00, it will be rounded up to 110. If the calculated winter average is
104.99, it will be rounded down to 100.
- The Average drop-down menu is used to select how the winter average will be calculated.
- Select Monthly Average to divide the consumption by the number of months selected (i.e.
if the months of November through April are selected and there are only
three meter readings periods within this period of time, the consumption
will still be divided by six).
- Select Period Average to divide the total
consumption by the number of periods with the meter reads selected (i.e.
if the months of November through April are selected but there are only
three meter reading periods within the months selected, then the total
consumption would be divided by 3).
- This option is generally used by organizations that do not bill every month.
- Select User Defined to enable an edit box and input a value of your choice to divide the consumption by.
- This will enable the User Defined Amt field below. This field is used to specify a value that will be the divisor for the total consumption on the account.
- Check the Exclude partial reads toggle to exclude consumption amounts based on a meter
reading not included in the winter average.
- Assume you are creating a winter average that begins in the month of November. If a
device has a reading in October, and November, the consumption
calculated on the November reading depends on the October reading. For
example, if the October reading is 100, and the November reading is 250,
the November consumption is 150 based on the October reading. If you
check the Exclude partial reads toggle, the November reading will
not be included in the winter average.
- If there are two meter readings in the month of November (for example, a meter
reading from a Read Meter service request), then the later meter
reading will be included in the winter average even if the Exclude partial reads toggle is checked. The reading will be
included because the consumption on that reading is dependent on a
reading included in the winter average. For example, if a device is
read on 11/05/15 with a consumption of 200, and on 11/15/15 with a
consumption of 35, the reading on 11/15/15 will be included in the
winter average because the consumption is calculated based on a
reading included in the winter average.
- Check the Use removed meters toggle to include the meter readings of meters that have been removed or
changed-out in the winter average.
- The meter readings on the removed meter will
have to pass the same meter read period and meter read date filter that is
applied to the other meter readings.
- The Defaults section is used to set up the minimum and maximum winter average values and modify
the default winter average amount. The values entered in these fields will
affect the calculated winter averages.
- The value in the Default column is the winter average that will apply if a UB
customer account has less than two readings during the selected meter
read dates and periods.
- The value in the Default column can be modified in this window, but it
populates based on the value entered in the Winter Average fields on
the Setup window (UB> Utilities Setup> Device tab> Winter
Average 1-6 fields).
- If the calculated winter average is greater than the value in the Maximum field,
maximum amount will replace the calculated winter average. For example, if
the calculated winter average is 135 and the maximum amount is 100, the
UB customer account will be assigned the maximum amount of 100.
- If the winter average is assigned the maximum value, an information line will
display on the Exceptions step (UB> Winter Average> Exceptions).
- If a calculated winter average is below the value entered in the Minimum column, the
minimum amount will replace the calculated winter average. For example, if the
calculated winter average is 50 and the minimum amount is 100, the UB customer
account will be assigned the minimum amount of 100.
- If the winter average is assigned the minimum value, an information line will
display on the Exceptions step (UB> Winter Average> Exceptions).
- The number of rows that will display in the Defaults section is the number of usage
periods. Usage periods are generally used to separate consumption into
peak and non-peak usage. If the Utility Billing module is not set up to
use multiple usage periods, there will only be one row labeled “Period
1.” The column is labeled “Period 1” because all consumption is applied
to usage period one. This does mean that the default, minimum, and
maximum values entered in the Defaults section will only be applied to
period one of the winter average.
- If you are set up to use multiple periods of use, enter a default, minimum, and maximum amount for each usage
- Click the Confirm icon
to calculate the winter averages immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Confirm icon to schedule the winter averages to generate at a later time.
- You can view the progress of the process on the Job Viewer
window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs).
Click here for
information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- When the Generate step is complete, you will be able to open the Exceptions window and generate the Winter
Average Proof List.
3 View the exceptions generated on the batch. This is an optional step.
- The Exceptions step is an optional step that displays the errors and information messages
generated by the Generate step.
- Open the Exceptions window (UB> Winter Average> Exceptions).
- The Exceptions window will display all of the error and information messages generated during
the Generate step.
- The Exceptions window will display an information message each time a calculated winter average
is greater than the maximum set up on the Generate step (UB> Winter Average>
Generate> Defaults section> Maximum column). If the calculated winter
average is greater than the maximum, the maximum amount will be assigned to the
UB customer account.
- The Exceptions window will also display an information message each time a calculated winter
average is less than the minimum amount set up on the Generate step (UB> Winter
Average> Generate> Defaults section> Minimum column). If the calculated
winter average is less than the minimum amount, the minimum amount will be
assigned to the UB customer account.
- The Exceptions window will display an information message for each UB customer account included
in the batch with less than two meter readings during the selected meter read
periods and meter read dates. These UB customer accounts will be assigned the
default winter average amount.
- The Exceptions window will not display an information or error message if there are Final or
Vacation status UB customer accounts in the billing cycles selected during the
Generate step (UB> Winter Average> Generate> Cycles field).
4 Print a proof list of the Winter Average batch.
- Print a proof list to see the calculated winter averages once the Generate step is complete.
- You can also view the calculated winter averages from Winter Average tab of the Account Master
Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Winter Average).
- Select Proof List from the Winter Average palette. This will open the Proof List window.
- The Winter Average Proof List can be printed in detailed or summary format.
- The summary format will display the total consumption included in the winter average
calculation, the number of reads, and the calculated winter average for each UB
customer account included in the Winter Average batch.
- The detail format will display the consumption included in each month of the winter average
calculation, the customer account information, and the calculated winter
- Select the version of the report you would like to generate.
- Click the Print icon
to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time.
You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.
5 Modify the winter average using the Account Master Maintenance window. This is
an optional step.
- The Winter Average tab can be used to modify the calculated winter average on the UB customer accounts included in
the Winter Average batch. You will not be able to modify the winter average on
the customer accounts after the Winter Average batch has been committed.
6 Commit the Winter Average batch.
- Before committing the batch make sure that you have already made all of the modifications to the
calculated winter averages on the accounts. Once the Winter Average batch is
committed, you cannot make modifications to the winter average from the
Account Master Maintenance window. You will have to generate a new winter
average batch.
- Select the Commit from the Winter Average palette.
- Click the OK button to commit the batch.
- Committing a winter average will not create a history line item on the customer accounts (UB>
Maintenance> Account> History tab). The winter average will
only display on the Winter Average tab of the Account Master Maintenance
window (UB> Maintenance> Account> Winter Average).
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