UB> Winter Averaging

Winter Averaging




The Winter Averaging process is used to calculate an average consumption for UB customer accounts based on previous consumption. The previous consumption included in the winter average calculation is selected using meter read periods and meter reading dates. Depending on how the service rates attached to the UB customer accounts are set up, the calculated average consumption is billed instead of the actual consumption when bills are generated in the New Billing process (UB> New Billing). The calculated winter average will only replace the billable consumption on the customer account. The minimum and tax amounts attached to service rates on the customer account will bill as usual, but the consumption will be using the calculated winter average consumption amount.


Winter averages can only be calculated on Active and Suspended status accounts. You cannot calculate a winter average on Vacation, Delete or Final status UB customer accounts. Before you use the Winter Average process, make sure you set up the UB module and service rates to use the winter average process.


Springbrook users generally use the Winter Averaging process in two ways:


The Winter Average process calculates the winter average consumption amount using the prior meter readings on a device. The prior meter readings that should be included in the winter average calculation are selected during the Generate step (UB> Winter Average> Generate). The meter readings are selected by meter read period and meter read date. Only meter readings of both the selected meter period and meter read date will be included in the winter average calculation. For example, a meter reading with a read date of 06/15/15 and a read period of 05 will only be included in the winter average calculation if both read period 05 and read date of 06/15/15 are selected. If only the read date or the read period is selected, the meter reading will not be included in the winter average calculation.


Prior meter readings on a device attached to other customer accounts will not be included in the winter average calculation. For example, if a new customer moves into a lot, the meter readings attached to the previous resident on the lot will not affect the winter average calculation of the new customer.


The billed status of a meter read does not affect whether it will be included in the winter average calculation. The winter average calculation treats billed and unbilled readings the same. For example, if you would like to include unbilled readings in the winter average calculation, just select the read period and read date of the unbilled readings in the Generate step (UB> Winter Average> Generate).


There is an option on the Generate step (UB> Winter Average> Generate) that allows you to include the meter readings of removed meters in the winter average calculation. This option allows you to include the meter readings of meters that have been removed or changed-out in the winter average. The meter readings on the removed meter will have to pass the same meter read period and meter read date filter that is applied to the other meter readings. For example, if a meter has been changed-out, the meter readings of that meter will only be included in the winter average if the Use Removed Meters toggle is checked (UB> Winter Average> Generate) and those meter readings occurred during the selected read period and read date range. If the meter readings are from a previous account on the lot, the meter readings will not be included in the winter average calculation.


After the winter average has been calculated using the Generate step, the calculated winter average can be modified using the Winter Average tab on the Account Master Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Account). Once the Winter Average batch is committed, the calculated winter average consumption amount will be used instead of the actual consumption during each billing period set up as a winter average period on the service rate (UB> Maintenance> Service Rate> Winter Average / Taxes tab).


Before you use the Winter Average process, make sure you set up the UB module and service rates.


Related Links


Click here for information on setting up the Winter Average process.

Click here for a summary on bill types.


Step by Step








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