Springbrook Enhancement Lists
Springbrook provides a comprehensive list of enhancements available to current Springbrook clients when upgrading the newest version.
Springbrook Cloud to Springbrook Cirrus Enhancements
This document provides a list of enhancements available to current Springbrook Cloud clients when accessing the browser-based Springbrook Cirrus application. This document will be updated as additional functionality is added to Springbrook Cirrus.
The Springbrook Cloud data dictionary can be found here: https://sprbrk.box.com/s/hmwisuycnbgoqdlmzsjhk1vzq0ft3kaj
Clear Search Criteria
Search functionality across the application has been enhanced to allow users to clear all previously specified search criteria on the current page. This new Clear button will be available on search pages that include a large set of search criteria options, such as the BR Display page.
Data Grids
The Columns selection drop-down menu has been enhanced in order to allow users to select all or deselect all available columns via a single toggle. This allows users to display or hide all columns, including default columns. Using the Reset Grid Defaults button will automatically reset the grid to the default columns.
Tasks and Approvals
The new Tasks and Approvals section on the Cirrus landing page allows users to quickly see any outstanding tasks or approvals that require their attention.
User Profile
The User Profile settings in Cirrus have been enhanced to include some Cash Receipts configurations. The Automatically print duplicate (copy) receipt, Automatically print receipt on save, and Pause Printing between receipts settings have been moved from Operator Maintenance to User Profile. The new Always show module search setting has also been added to User Profile in order to control how the default Search Options.
Attachments and Imports
The Attachments window in Cirrus has been enhanced to include drag-and-drop functionality. Users can now attach a file to a record by dragging that file from the workstation desktop or window and dropping that file into the Cirrus Attachments window. This drag-and-drop functionality has also been added to import windows across the application.
Jobs Viewer
The Jobs Viewer in Cirrus has been enhanced to allow additional access control via Menu Security. As in V7, user access to individual fields in the Jobs Viewer can be set via DB Security. In Cirrus, if a user is set with no access to the Jobs Viewer in Menu Security, that user will still be able to open the Jobs Viewer to view the reports or processes assigned to that user. The User Name field will not be enabled.
Vendor Search
A new Vendor Search screen has been added to the main Account Payable menu.
The Display Invoices screen has been enhanced to include all the search and filter criteria on a single screen, eliminating the need to navigate between tabs. The Description field has also been added to the Display Invoices screen in order to allow users to filter invoices by keywords in the invoice description.
The Import step of the Invoices process has been enhanced to include the Override Invoice Date toggle. This toggle allows users to set an invoice date other than the current date that is set by default.
AP Setup
Signature Preview has been added to the Checks tab of the AP Setup screen. This feature allows users to see the uploaded signature that will be displayed on generated checks. The enhanced Cirrus uploading process also allow users to drag-and-drop their signature file when uploading.
BR Search
Updated the Bank Reconciliation module menu by changing the Display menu item label to BR Search in order to more accurately reflect the purpose of the tool.
Clear Transactions
The Settings step of the Clear Transactions process has been updated to include the Statement Beginning Date and Statement End Date fields. These fields are used to specify a statement date range for the transactions that will included in the batch, providing more control than the previously available Statement Date option.
The Settings step of the Clear Transactions process has been updated to include Last Cleared date in the Bank Account field. This date is set on the commit step the last time the bank account was included in a Clear Transactions batch.
The Statement End Balance field has been added to the Settings step of the Clear Transactions process. This field is used to enter the ending balance of the bank accounts selected. This Statement Balance value will be used during the Select Transactions step to help users reconcile the system balance to the bank statement balance.
The Import step of the Clear Transactions process has been enhanced to allow users to add and edit individual transactions to the import through the application itself.
The Select Transactions step of the Clear Transactions process has been enhanced to improve functionality.
The top section of the Select Transactions window will now display running values for the Beginning Balance, Cleared Items (deposits/checks/adjustments cleared during the statement date range), Selected Deposits, Selected Checks, Ending Balance, Bank Statement Balance (as entered on the Settings step), and Difference (between Ending Balance and Bank Statement Balance). These values are meant to help clients track values while adding checks and deposits to the Clear Transactions batch.
The Enter Check and Enter Deposit links have been added to allow clients to add individual checks and deposits to the Clear Transactions batch.
Receipt Deposits
The Select Batches step of the Receipt Deposits process has been enhanced to include the ability to generate separate deposits for different pay methods. This will allow organizations to follow different deposit schedules for different pay methods. For example, organizations can now process receipt deposits for cash or check pay methods on a daily basis while processing receipt deposits for credit cards on a weekly basis, even though all deposits are in the same batch.
The Select Batches data grid has been enhanced to display the Journal Entry Date column. This column allows users to see the post date of the available Cash Receipts batches.
Utilities> Enter Checks
Added the Current Balance field to the Enter Checks tool in order to display the current balance of the selected bank account. This value will only include cleared transactions and will generally display the previous month's ending bank balance when clients clear transactions after receiving banking statements.
Updated the Add Check and functionality in the Enter Checks tool in order to allow users to add multiple checks without being forced to click the Add New button between each new check.
Utilities> Enter Deposits
Added the Account Number field to the Enter Deposits tool in order to display the account number associated with the selected bank account.
Updated the Add Deposit functionality in the Enter Deposits tool in order to allow users to add multiple deposits without being forced to click the Add New button between each new deposit.
Utilities> Reset Cleared Balances
Added the Reset Cleared Balances tool in order to help organizations that have not historically used the Bank Reconciliation module prepare their data so the module can be used going forward. This tool is meant to be used only once to clear a large amount of uncleared data and to establish an accurate internal account balance.
Cash Entry
The Cash Entry window has been completely redesigned in Cirrus. Along with a more modern, familiar look and feel, this redesign also improved the efficiency and usability of the Cash Entry window. These improvements include:
A new search toolbar that allows for easy lookup on commonly paid items such as Utility Bills
A Type Code search field with autocomplete accessible from the primary Cash Entry screen
Lookup by UB Account Number, Service Address, and Customer Number all on one screen
Ability to search/filter by Account Status on UB Account Selection screen
Default-to-last-search functionality to improve efficiency when processing multiple receipts via the same search
Easier access to advanced search actions
Improved account/bill lookup performance
Easier addition of multiple bills or invoices to a single receipt
Running total for selected accounts in Add UB Accounts with Amount
Simplified user experience that makes it easier to train and on-board new users
The Cash Entry window has been enhanced to include an indicator on the Messages and Notes icon in order to let users know if a receipt includes messages or notes.
The Cash Entry Pay Receipt window has been enhanced to automatically place cursor focus in the relevant field based on the selected Payment Type. When payment type = check, default focus will be on the Reference field. When payment type = cash, default focus will be on the Amount field. When payment type = other, default focus will be on the Submit button.
Receipt Search
Updated the Cash Receipts module menu by changing the Display menu item label to Receipt Search in order to more accurately reflect the purpose of the tool.
The Pay Method and Type Code fields have been added to the available fields in the Advanced Search section, expanding the available search options in the Receipt Search window.
Utilities> Query by Example
The CR Query by Example tool has been enhanced to improve clarity and usability when selecting aggregate and alias fields. These changes include:
CR Line Item table:
Old fields - Account, PM Task, Account, PM Task
New fields - Credit Account, PM Credit Task, Debit Account, PM Debit Task
CR Type table:
Old fields - Account, PM Task, Account, PM Task
New fields - Credit Account, PM Credit Task, Debit Account, PM Debit Task
Utilities> Setup
The General tab of the CR Setup window has been enhanced to include the Display Comments field in Payment Entry toggle. This toggle allows users to choose to display or hide the comments attached to a receipt when that receipt is open in Cash Entry.
The General tab of the CR Setup window has been enhanced to include the Secondary Pay Method and Tertiary Pay Method drop-down fields. These fields are used to specify the secondary and tertiary pay methods that will display as the second and third pay method drop-down options under the default pay method when editing the pay method on a new receipt.
The General tab of the CR Setup window has been enhanced to include the Multi-Search Mode toggle. When checked, this toggle will return focus to the previously-used search field after adding an item to a receipt in order to improve efficiency for users who frequently add multiple items to a single receipt. When not checked, focus will be placed on the Pay button after adding an item to a receipt in order to improve efficiency for users who frequently process the receipt after adding a single item.
The General tab of the CR Setup window has been enhanced to include the Pay Method Focus drop-down field. This field allows agencies to control where cursor focus will land when the Payment window is launched from Cash Entry.
Audit Trail
The Journal Entries process has been enhanced to include audit trail tracking functionality. When journal entries are created, updated, or deleted, the audit trail will record the date/time of the change, the type of change made, the user that made the change, and the data table that was edited.
The Cirrus Dashboard provides real-time reporting data in the Cirrus application via connection to the Springbrook Analytics Tableau reporting tool. This functionality replaces and improves the GL Display window and the Graphs tab of the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window.
Account Search
The Account Search menu item has been added to the main the GL menu. This menu item opens the Chart of Accounts Selection screen, allowing users to search existing chart of accounts without opening the Maintenance> Chart of Accounts menu item.
Chart of Accounts Maintenance
A new information tooltip icon now displays at the top of the open Chart of Accounts. This displays the Section name and value for all the Sections on the GL record when a user hovers over the icon. The Account Header One, Two, and Three values will display for agencies that do not use a uniform chart of accounts.
A new Fiscal Year field has been added to the main Chart of Accounts toolbar. This field allows users to move from one fiscal year to another without leaving the selected Account Maintenance screen.
A new vertical tab format improves usability when navigating between tabs on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window.
The Chart of Account screen title that displays at the top of the screen will now include the current tab. For example, when a user is on the Budget tab, the title will read "Chart of Accounts Maintenance - Budget."
Journal Entries
Journal entry line items will now be added on the main Journal Entry page rather than in a pop-out window. The line item detail fields will populate an editable area to the right of the main journal entry data gird.
The Author field has been added to the Journal Entry screen in order to display the username of the user who created the open journal entry. This field will remain disabled and blank on new journal entries until the journal entry is saved. At that point the field will display the username of the user who saved the new journal entry.
The Add Control Account Entries option has been added to the Balance button drop-down menu on the Journal Entry Line Item screen. This option allows agencies set up to used Control Accounting to automatically create balancing entries for control accounts based on the revenue/expense entries already entered.
New Budget Info
The Import Budget from Excel tool has been updated to use configurable import files. The configurable import file will be available in SS> Maintenance> Import Configuration in an upcoming release.
The Import Budget from Excel tool has been updated to include the Estimated Actuals option to the Budget Type drop-down menu. This option allows users to import budget data in the Estimated Actuals field for each GL account.
New York AUD
Added the New York AUD process for New York agencies in order to meet state auditing requirements.
Refresh GL Keywords
Added the Refresh GL Keywords tool to the Utilities menu in order to allow users to update the keywords database after a GL Chart of Accounts is imported into the system.
Employee Search
Employee Search has been added to the Payroll main menu, providing one-click access to one of the most frequently used maintenance forms in the application. Employee Search also includes the new Supervisor field in the advanced search criteria, allowing users to filter employees by supervisor.
Computer Checks
Updated the Timecards step to include the Save and New button. This button allows users to save the current timecard line item and immediately begin creating a new line item without first returning to the Timecards screen.
Employee Maintenance
The Overview page has been added to Employee Maintenance, providing access to frequently used data without requiring the user to navigate between maintenance tabs.
The Retirement tab has been updated to include a number of new state-required fields for South Carolina agencies.
Pay Code Maintenance
The Advanced tab of the Pay Code Maintenance window has been enhanced to include the Allow employee to set amount when entering time toggle. This toggle allows employees to enter a specific flat amount on a timecard line item.
Pay Schedule Maintenance
Pay Schedule Maintenance offers a number of enhancements for Cirrus:
The year control has been moved to the Calendar Year field in the page header.
New ability to generate timesheet periods as well as pay periods on the Pay Schedule Maintenance page eliminates the need to manually enter timesheet periods.
Timesheet periods can now be added as opened or closed.
Reporting Group Maintenance
The Status, Department, and Position columns have been added to the Reporting Group Maintenance data grid.
Accrual Register Report
The Accrual Register Report has been enhanced to only display the “notes” footer if notes were present on the page.
The Timesheets process offers a number of enhancements in Cirrus:
Enhanced Quick Entry Mode allows employees to enter their time for the day by only filling out three fields.
New stacked bar chart shows users their time per day at a glance.
Type-to-search fields for Pay Code, Rate Code, and Shift Code improve efficiency when entering data on a timesheet.
Cirrus Online Time Clock is a new, easier way for employees to capture clock-in and clock-out time when arriving or leaving work.
Cirrus Calendar Mode is a new, intuitive method for employees to enter their time via visual calendar.
Access must be granted in SS Menu Security.
Web Timesheets
New Web Timesheets functionality allows users to create their own customized timesheet templates that can drastically improve time entry efficiency.
Timesheet Administration
New Timesheet Administration menu item includes:
New Supervisor Time Approval process allows supervisors to approve time without the need to create batches or workflows.
Single menu location for the Quick Time Entry and Import Timesheets tools.
Access must be granted in SS Menu Security.
Notify Timesheet Users
Added the Notify Timesheet Users tool in order to allow users to generate Payroll task notifications for a filtered group of Cirrus and Springbrook users to remind them of upcoming timesheet task deadlines. Access must be granted in SS Menu Security.
Aggregate Deduction Order
The improved Aggregate Deduction Order utility uses familiar drag-and-drop functionality in a simplified list view rather than a multi-level grid.
Generate Holiday Timesheets
Generate Holiday Timesheets is a new utility that automatically creates a timesheet line for a specific holiday. Access must be granted in SS Menu Security.
Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act process offers a number of enhancements in Cirrus:
The Generate step has been enhanced to automatically create a dependent record for any self-insured employee, eliminating the need to enter the dependent records manually.
The Edit Employees step has been enhanced to automatically remove all the listed dependents associated with an employee when that employee is removed.
The Edit Employer step has been enhanced to automatically check or un-check all the Aggregated group toggles in the data grid when the primary Aggregated group toggle is checked or un-checked.
A number of unnecessary fields and toggles were removed across the Affordable Care Act process.
State Specific Processes/Reports
Added the PR> South Carolina Retirement batch process and PR> State Reports> SC Deferred Compensation report to the Payroll module for South Carolina agencies.
Purchase Orders
Improved data entry experience utilizing the side-sheet form that displays to the right of the Purchase Orders data grid.
Improved data entry experience utilizing the side-sheet form that displays to the right of the Requisitions data grid.
The new Cirrus Dashboard allows users to access and interact with Springbrook Analytics reporting data without leaving the application. Users can customize the Dashboard and control which data views are displayed, how those views are organized, and how data is filtered. A standard set of data views is available and new views will be developed for future releases.
Form Maintenance
Updated the System drop-down menu on the Form Maintenance screen to only display modules that are currently enabled for the agency.
Lot Maintenance
The Details section of the Lot Maintenance window has been enhanced to include the Landscape Size and Occupancy fields.
Tag Maintenance
The Tag Maintenance window has been enhanced to include all tag configuration options on a single screen. This eliminates the need to open a new window for each configuration being set.
Assign Tab Settings
The Assign Tab Settings tool has been added to SS Utilities in order to allow users to assign existing tab settings for one user to a group of other users.
Update AP Search Index
The Update AP Search Index tool has been added to SS Utilities in order to allow agencies to index the Description field on invoices that were created prior to the implementation of the Description search field on the AP Display Invoices screen. This tool will index the Description field on these invoices so they can be included when filtering by Description.
Work Flows
The Work Flows process in Cirrus has been redesigned to improve usability and efficiency. These enhancements include:
The Tasks and Approvals section makes work flow approvals easily accessible from the main Cirrus landing page.
A notification icon next to Home on the main Cirrus navigation menu will display the number of unread work flow and task notifications.
Individual work flows have been enhanced to provide a better visual representation of new, approved, and rejected work flow tasks.
Improved visual representation also improves the clarity and usability of mobile work flows.
Account Master Search
A link to the Account Master Search window has been added to the main left navigation menu in order to improve efficiency.
UB Batch Processes> Exceptions
The Exceptions step in all UB batch processes has been enhanced to include the Account Number and Category search filters and to automatically display all exceptions on initial load.
Adjustments and Fees
The Bill Service Requests screen has been enhanced to include Billing Cycle data. The search criteria section now includes the Billing Cycle search field and a related Billing Cycle column in the data grid.
Final Billing
Summary by Rate report step of the Final Billing process has been enhanced to include the Use tier level label when available toggle. This toggle allows users to include the tier level labels for each tier when generating the Detail version of the report.
The Export step of the Final Billing process has been enhanced to include the ability to select a configurable export format for the generated export file.
Account Maintenance
The Account Maintenance tabs have been reorganized with the most frequently used tabs arranged at the top of the tab menu.
The Account holder's name, address, and account number are displayed in the browser tab allowing users to quickly navigate between accounts when multiple accounts are open on multiple browser tabs.
The Account Maintenance title that appears at the top of the screen will now include the current tab. For example, if a user is working on the Lot tab, the screen title will read "UB Account Maintenance - Lot."
Major enhancements to the Account Maintenance Overview tab include:
- Use of color to more clearly differentiate data and indicate areas or settings that may require user's attention.
- Key Account, Activity, Billing Cycle, and Billing data displayed on the Overview tab with direct links to the Account Maintenance tabs that are the sources of the displayed data.
- A configurable line graph that provides a quick snapshot of billed consumption for each service
An expanded Account Maintenance History tab that provides a more detailed view into historical account transactions.
The Account tab of the Account Maintenance window has been updated to include:
The Occupancy Override and Occupancy Override Expiration fields. These fields are used to set up an override with an optional expiration date of the Occupancy field associated with the lot tied to the account.
The Level Pay toggle and Level Pay Amount field. When checked, the Level Pay toggle enables the Level Pay Amount field and allows agencies to use level pay billing and set up level pay amounts on flagged accounts.
The Service Rates tab of the Account Maintenance window has been updated to improve the process of adding tax codes to a service rate. This enhancement was made in order to allow users to select multiple tax codes at once from the Tax Code Selection window and to differentiate which tax codes are assigned to the service and which tax codes are assigned as overrides for the customer.
The Lot tab of the Account Maintenance window has been updated to include:
Landscape Size and Occupancy fields that are used to display additional lot details for the lot tied to the account.
Water Allocation sub-tab for agencies using water allocation functionality. This sub-tab will display the Allocation Bank and allow users to update Water Allocation Period values.
The Combine Lot toggle and the Primary Account field. When checked, the Combine Lot toggle enables the Primary Account field and allows users to combine multiple lots for allocation billing calculations.
The Account Balance Summary sub-tab of the History tab has been enhanced to include Service Group grouping functionality. Agencies that use Service Groups will see a single, collapsed row for each Service Group that displays the sum of all the included services for each column in the data grid.
Bill Calculations Maintenance
Added the Billing Calculations Maintenance screen has been added to the UB module in order to allow agencies to create and maintain the allocation billing calculation formulas that will be used alongside consumption calculations to properly bill consumption when conservation measures are in place.
Conservation Data Maintenance
The Conservation Data Maintenance screen has been added to UB module in order to allow users to easily update conservation data used in billing calculations.
Cycle Code Maintenance
The Cycle Code Maintenance window has been enhanced to display Service Group billing details. If any service groups have been billed for the selected Cycle Code, the Service Group Code, Service Group Description, and Period End Date will be displayed in a small data grid at the bottom of the Edit Cycle section.
The Cycle Code Maintenance window has been enhanced to include the Combine consumption for service field. This field allows users select which service in this billing cycle will be used in combined consumption.
Fee Code Maintenance
The Fee Code Maintenance window has been enhanced to include the Assistance Program toggle. This toggle allows users to flag the fee code as part of the Assistance Program. Assistance Program functionality will be released in an upcoming service pack.
Service Group Maintenance
The Service Group Maintenance window has been enhanced to include the No Consumption Billing toggle. This toggle allows users to prevent accidental committing of unbilled consumption billing history records for the services in the selected service group.
The Service Group Maintenance window has been enhanced to include additional delete validation. User will not be able to delete a service group if that service group includes a service that has been billed in a prior billing cycle.
Service Rate Maintenance
The Service Rate Maintenance window has been enhanced to the include the Bill all consumption at highest level tier toggle on the General tab. This toggle allows agencies to bill consumption at the highest tier level the account qualifies for in that period.
Meter Management
The Readings Export step of the Meter Management process has been enhanced to include the Zenner 1 option in the Layout drop-down field.
New Billing
The Generate step of the New Billing process has been enhanced to include the Service Group field. This field allows users to bill different services for a billing cycle that may have different Bill Dates.
The Statements step of the New Billing process has been enhanced to display additional Allocation Billing data if the statement being printed is set up to include that data.
The Export step of the New Billing process has been enhanced to include the ability to select a configurable export format for the generated export file.
Summary by Rate report step of the New Billing process has been enhanced to include the Use tier level label when available toggle. This toggle allows users to include the tier level labels for each tier when generating the Detail version of the report.
Past Due
The Generate step of the Past Due process has been enhanced to include:
The ability to process a Past Due batch for a split period. This includes the Split Period toggle, Interim Balance Date To, Interim Balance Date From, and Adjustment Type for Interim Charges fields.
The Account Category to Exclude field. This field allows users to exclude all the UB accounts associated with the selected category from the Past Due batch.
The Credit History Sum Min and Credit History Sum Max fields. These fields allow users to filter the accounts included in a Past Due batch by sum of the active account Credit History.
The Multiply Flat Rates By field. This field allows agencies that only charge flat rates to assess penalties by multiplying those flat rates by another field.
Consumption by Meter Size Report
The Consumption by Meter Size Report has been enhanced to include the Meter Sizes and the Display tiers by services fields. These new fields allow users to filter the report by meter size and to display consumption data by tier for each meter included in the report.
Service Requests
The Service Request Wizard has been enhanced to:
Highlight key information on steps related to devices.
Allow drill-down functionality to the Service Request column in order to allow users to open and edit or cancel a service request in the Service Request Wizard before committing the batch.
Add/Remove Services
The Add/Remove Services utility has been enhanced to include the Classes field in the Filters section. This allows users to filter the included accounts by class.
Statement Setup
The General tab of the Statement Setup window has been enhanced to include the Z Fold and Z Fold 2 billing statement options. When Z Fold 2 is selected, the new Z Fold Options and Aggregate Display tabs will also be displayed.
The Billing Options tab of the Statement Setup window for full-page billing statements has been enhanced to include:
The Change the number of Plan Entries that display field. This field allows users to print from 1 to 12 payment plan entries on the statement rather than the default 4 plan entries.
The Billing Cycle toggle. This toggle allows agencies to display the billing cycle on the billing statement. When checked, Billing Cycle will take the place of Reference Number on the statement.
The Due By toggle. This toggle allows agencies to update the Amount Due section of the statement. When checked, the statement will read TOTAL AMOUNT DUE BY MM/DD/YYYY. When unchecked, the statement will read TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. The Due By toggle will be checked by default.
The Billing Options tab of the Statement Setup window for 4-to-a-page billing statements has been enhanced to include:
The Service Address Alignment field. This field allows users to align the service address to the Left, Right, or Center. Left will be selected by default.
The Stub Name and Address Alignment field. This field allows users to align the stub name and address to the Left, Right, or Center. Left will be selected by default.
The Reference Number as Account Number toggle. When checked, both the Stub and the main body of the Statement Account Number sections will display the Reference Number rather than the Account Number.
The Account Number uses OCR Font toggle. When checked, the Account Number will be displayed in an OCR font.
The Total Amount Due uses OCR Font toggle. When checked, the Total Amount Due will be displayed in an OCR font.
The Meter Display tab of the Statement Setup window has been enhanced to include:
The Meter Info toggle for 4-to-a-page billing statements. This toggle allows users to include or exclude meter info from the statement.
The Hide tier unit toggle. This toggle allows users to hide the tier unit abbreviation in the Tier Display section of the billing statement.
The Past Due Options tab of the Statement Setup window has been enhanced to include:
The Print customer name above service address toggle. This toggle allows agencies to include the customer name above the service address when printing the Past Due Statement 3 or Past Due Statement 4 door-hanger statements.
The Display Owner Copy toggle. This toggle allows agencies to display OWNER COPY in red on the past due statement generated for the owner associated with the account.
The Include Lot Address with Service Address toggle. This toggle allows agencies to display the address on the lot associated with the account on the statement next to the service address.
The Meter Info toggle. This toggle allows agencies to include the route number and sequence number on door hanger past due statements.
The Allocation Display tab has been added to the Statement Setup window in order to allow agencies to configure how allocation billing data will display on Billing Statement Allocation statement.
Water Allocation Import
Added the Water Allocation Import tool to the UB> Utilities menu. This tool allows agencies to import allocation billing data that will populate the Water Allocation sub-tab of the Lot tab on UB accounts.
Winter Averaging
The Generate step of the Winter Averaging process has been enhanced to include the Use Consumption Range average if threshold amount is exceeded toggle and the Threshold Amount field. These are used to expand the range used to calculate the winter average if a specified value is exceeded.
The Winter Averaging process has been enhanced to include the Import step. This allows users to import winter averaging data rather than generating that data in the batch process. This enhancement will also affect the Proof List report as imported data can not be reported on with the same detail as generated data.