AP and PO Modules
Tab Order Overview
Some windows in the application allow you to customize the order in which fields display in the window. This allows you to remove fields that you don’t use and set the order that information will be entered. For example, if the invoice number is the first piece of information you would like to add to an invoice line item and you do not use product codes, you can move the Invoice Number field to the top of the window and remove the Product Code field from the Invoice Items window.
Changes to the tab order will only affect how the window displays for the user account you are logged into. Changing the tab order of a window will not affect any other Springbrook application users.
Step by Step
- The Tab Order icon
will only display on windows that allow you to adjust the tab order and fields that display: Edit Invoices window (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Create icon), Invoice Item window (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Create icon> Create icon), Purchase Order window (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon) and PO Line Item window (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon> Create icon).
- The display of the window will change when you click the Tab Order icon
- A box will display next to each field in the window.
- If the box is red, the field is a required field and must be included in the sort order. For example, GL accounts must be entered on PO and Invoice line items, so the GL account field is a required field that must be included in the sort order.
- If the box is grey, the field is optional. If you do not include an optional field in the tab order, the field will be removed from the window. For example, if you do not enter discount amounts on invoice line items, you can remove the field from the window by not including it in the tab order. When you save the tab order and open the Invoice Items window, the Discount Amount field will not display.
- Click on each box in the order in which you would like them to display in the window. For example, if you would like to enter the GL account number first, click the box next to the GL account number. This will populate the box with the number 1.
- You must assign a tab order to each required field (the fields with the red boxes). You will receive an error message if you don’t, and you won’t be able to save the tab order. For example, GL accounts are required on PO and invoice line items, so the GL account field is required and must be included in the sort order.
- Once you have selected all of the fields you would like to display in the window, click the Save icon
- If you made a mistake while setting the tab order, click the Reset
(similar to the Refresh icon). This will restore the default amounts in the window.
- The Reset icon
is also used to display fields that have been removed from the window by the Tab Order feature. For example, if you remove the Invoice Number field from the Invoice Item window using the Tab Order feature, click the Reset icon to display the field in the window again.
- Click the Stop icon
if you would like to return to the window without saving the current tab order.