Application Wide
Type to Search in a Data Grid
Springbrook displays data records in data grids that appear on many of the application search windows. These data grids include a set of search criteria fields that allow you to filter the data that is displayed. The Type to Search functionality is designed to make it even easier to search through large databases of records. Simply click on the data grid column you would like to search through and begin typing.
For example, imagine you are looking for a UB account associated with Joe Smith who resides at 110 Main Street. Open the UB Account Master Search window and click on the Last Name column in the data grid. When you begin typing "Smith" the record highlighted in the column will jump to the names beginning with "S" and then to the names beginning with "Sm". You could also search by clicking the Service Address column and typing Mr. Smith's address. Any sortable column can be searched with Type to Search.
This functionality only searches through the records that are currently loaded in the window. This allows you to use Type to Search after initially filtering the data records with the search criteria fields above. This also means you will not be searching through all of the available records if the Incomplete icon is displayed at the bottom right corner of the data grid. If you want to search all available records, click the Incomplete icon. The data grid will reload with all available records and the Complete icon
will be displayed in the bottom right corner.