CivicPay Online
Customer Payment Portal - Home
The new CPO Customer Payment Portal Home page is the landing page for your citizens after logging in. From here they can get a quick overview of their account balance and easily access other CPO pages.
Citizens who manage multiple accounts through CPO can switch accounts via the Account drop-down menu that displays next to their user name at the top of the screen. The accounts will appear in numerical order.
The Total Account Balance section displays the total balance on the account.
Citizens can click the Pay Now button
to pay their total account balance amount on the Make Payment page.
When citizens click the View My Bill button, they will be directed to the My Bill page. Click here for information on the My Bill page.
When citizens click the View Account Activity button, they will be directed to the Activity page. Click here for information on the Activity page.
The Total Account Balance section, View My Bill button, and View Account Activity button will not be displayed if the account has a credit balance. A credit balance message will display in their place.
The Customer Address section can be expanded to display the Service Address associated with the citizen account.
When citizens click the Sign Up for Auto Pay button, they will be directed to the Edit Account page.
Please see Customer Payment Portal - My Profile for more information on how your citizens sign up for Auto Pay.
Once a citizen signs up for Auto Pay, scheduled automatic payments or payment method messages will display at the top of the page.