CivicPay Online
Users List
The CivicPay Online Users List page displays information about a filtered selection of CPO users.
Filter the users data
- Use the filter at the top of the page to filter the users that display in the data grid below.
- The Login field is used to filter the users displayed on the page by the email address that is associated with the account and that is used to log in.
- The Account Number field is used to filter the users displayed on the page by their account number.
- The Status field is used to filter the users by current account status.
- The Email Verified field is used to filter the users by the verification status of the email associated with the account.
- The Is Admin field is used to filter the users by admin status.
- The Clear button is used to reset all filters.
- Click the Apply button to filter the users according the criteria entered above.
- Once the filtered users are displayed, click the Export button
to export the filtered user records in an Excel spreadsheet or a .CSV file.
Investigate the User data
- Use the column headings to sort the displayed users.
- The users will be initially sorted by Login email address.
- The Account Numbers column will display all the account numbers associated with the Login email address.
- The primary account holder's account will be displayed in bold and include a tooltip icon that reads "Primary account holder" upon hover.
- In the event that the Login email address is associated with more than three account numbers, click the Show More button to display all the associated account numbers.
- When sorting by the Account Numbers column, only one account number will be displayed on each line in the data grid. If a Login email address is associated with multiple accounts, that Login email address will display multiple times in the data grid, once next to each associated account.
- Click PROFILE to open the Profile tab of the Edit User screen for the selected user.
- Click E-BILLS to open the Recent E-Bills tab of the Edit User screen for the selected user.
- Click here for information on the Edit User screen.