CivicPay Online
Customer Payment Portal - My Bill
The My Bill page provides an overview of the citizen's billing and account information.
The left section of the My Bill page displays billing details, account and agency information, and meter/meter readings information.
The right section of the My Bill page displays a breakdown of the current charges with corresponding due date, a billing summary, and total amount due.
Citizens can click the Make A Payment button to open the Make Payment page and complete a payment. Click here for information on the Make Payment page.
Citizens can click the Print My Bill button to print or save a PDF copy of the My Bill page. While this can be a valuable tool for citizens to generate a copy of their bill, this is not designed as a replacement for agency-generated billing statements.
Any attachments set up to be included in the bill will display below the Make A Payment button. Citizens can click these attachment links to download and open them. Attachments are set up on bills on the Bill Attachments page under My Agency> Settings. Click here for information on the Bill Attachments page.