CivicPay Online
Other One-Time Payments in the Customer Payment Portal
Citizens can make one-time building permits, invoices, licenses, and assessments payments without creating a CPO account or without logging in to their CPO account. The one-time payment process is launched from the CPO login page by clicking the One Time Payment button.
The One Time Payment page will display payment options for each module selected in the Miscellaneous Payments section of the My Agency> Settings> Municipal Payments page. Click here for information on setting CPO up for Municipal Payments.
This topic will cover how a citizen makes a payment on a Building Permits application or permit. While the verbiage displayed on the Invoice Payments, Licenses and Permits, and Special Assessments one time payment processes will vary slightly, the process itself is the same.
The citizen enters their customer number and last name or business name as they appear on the application/permit/license/invoice/assessment.
Both fields are required. To ensure the customer number is available to the citizen, the Print customer number on permit/license/bill toggle can be checked in BP Setup, LP Setup, and SA Billing.
The citizen selects the application/permit/license/invoice/assessment fee(s) they would like to pay.
The citizen provides payment information and submits payment.
Selecting Building Permits from the One Time Payment page opens the Quick Payment> Building Permits page.
Citizens will enter the Customer Number and the Last Name or Business Name on the application or permit and click the Find Applications/Permits button.
Both fields are required. To ensure the customer number is available to the citizen, the Print customer number on permit/license/bill toggle can be checked in BP> Utilities> Setup, LP> Utilities> Setup, and SA> Billing> Bills.
If the information entered in these fields does not match the application or permit, an error message will be displayed.
If the information entered in these fields does match an application or permit, the Select Applications/Permits page will open.
From this page, citizens can select the application or permit fees they would like pay.
Citizens can use the + icon to add an item to their order and the – icon to remove an item from their order. The Select All button will add all the displayed application/permit fees to the order.
If a selected fee code is set up with an editable value, the citizen can edit the dollar amount on the type code before adding it to their order.
Overpayments are not allowed, but a citizen can pay a lower amount than the total due.
Service and convenience fees, if applicable, will also be included in the total.
After selecting the items the citizen would like to purchase, they can click the Make Payment button to open the Pay Method page.
Citizens will be required to enter their credit card information, enter their first and last name, and enter and confirm an email address.
The Choose Files button is used to attach any supporting documents to the payment.
If the Require Attachments toggle is checked under the Building Permits option on the My Agency> Settings> Municipal Payments screen, an asterisk will appear next to the Choose File button and citizens will be required to attach supporting documents.
After a successful payment is submitted, the Payment Confirmation page will open. From here, citizens can review the payment details or print the confirmation.