CR> Maintenance> Operator
CR Operator Maintenance
The Operator Maintenance window is used to select which Springbrook application user accounts are authorized to enter Cash Receipts. In order for a Springbrook application user to create a receipt using the Cash Receipts module, the user must be set up as a Cash Receipts module operator. There are several Cash Receipts module setup features that are attached to the operator record such as receipt printing options and stations that an operator is authorized to enter cash receipts on. Stations are created and maintained in CR> Maintenance> Station.
Related Links
Click here for information on station maintenance.
Click here for an overview of Cash Receipts module security.
Step by Step
- The Operator Selection window displays all of the Cash Receipts module operators that have been set up in the database.
- Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to change the highlighted operator and press ENTER to open the selected operator. This will open the Operator Maintenance window.
- You can also open an operator by double clicking on the record.
- Press DELETE to delete the highlighted operator.
- Deleting an operator will delete the operator record, it will not delete the Springbrook Application user account.
- There can be only one operator record set up for each Springbrook application user.
- Press INSERT to create a new operator. This will open the Operator Maintenance window to enter the operator information.
- You can also create a new operator by clicking the Create icon .
- In order to create a new operator, the operator must have a Springbrook application user account created in SS> Security> User.
- Select a Springbrook application user from the Operator Code drop-down menu. The Operator Code is the username that will be used when the operator logs into the Cash Drawer Entry in CR> Cash Receipts> Cash Drawer Entry.
- Only Springbrook application users will display in the Operator Code drop-down menu. If the operator code you would like to select is not in the drop-down menu you can create a new Springbrook application user in SS> Security> User> Create a new user.
- There can be only one operator set up for each Springbrook application user account. You will be able to select a Springbrook application user from the Operator Code drop-down menu that has already been set up as an operator, but you will not be able to save the operator record.
- The Name field will populate with the description that has been entered on the Springbrook application user in SS> Security> User> Description field. You can modify the Name field and the Springbrook application user record will not be affected by the change.
- The Name field is limited to 30 alphanumeric characters.
- Check the Manager toggle if the operator should have access to all CR Cash Receipts module batches.
- If the Manage toggle is checked, the operator will be able to access all CR Cash Receipts batches even if the Single Operator Per Batch toggle is checked in the CR Setup (CR> Utilities> Setup Cash Receipts).
- Check the Automatically print receipt on save toggle if you want to print a paper receipt for each cash receipt entered.
- The slips attached to the payment type will print at the receipt printer on the workstation when the operator clicks the Save icon on the Cash Entry window.
- Check the Automatically print receipt on save toggle if you would like every receipt created in the Cash Entry window to generate a slip.
- The selection in the setup toggle will only affect the selected operator.
- Check the Open cash drawer after save toggle if you want the cash drawer to open automatically at the end of each transaction.
- There is a Cash Drawer Entry icon on the Cash Entry window which allows an operator to open the cash drawer.
- Check the Automatically print duplicate (copy) receipt toggle if you would like a
duplicate receipt printed for each slip generated by a transaction. This option
is generally used by organizations that would like to keep a copy of each
receipt for their own records.
- If there are multiple slips that print on a receipt, a copy of each slip will print.
- Check the Pause printing between receipts toggle if you want an information window to open between printing the receipts. This option is generally used with the Automatically print duplicate (copy) receipt toggle but it can function on its own.
- After a receipt is printed, an information window will open asking if you would like to print the next receipt. This feature will function no matter how many slips will print.
- The information window gives the user the option to cancel the printing of the next receipt.
- Check the Allow modification of GL accounts toggle to give the selected operator the ability to edit GL debit/credit accounts on CR transactions.
- WARNING: Modifying GL accounts should be limited to Misc CR transactions that are created through CR Type Codes or CR Category Codes.
- The Stations section of the Operator window is used to select which CR Stations an operator can use when entering cash receipts using the Cash Drawer Entry process in CR> Cash Receipts> Cash Drawer Entry. A Station is a computer that is used to enter cash receipts and is set up in CR> Maintenance> Station. If CR Operators are using the Enter Receipts window in CR> Cash Receipts> Enter Receipts to enter receipts, the operators will not be limited to the stations that are in the Stations section on the Operator maintenance window.
- Operators can also be added to stations on the Station maintenance window in CR> Maintenance> Station. All stations that have been attached to operators in the Station maintenance window will display in the Station section of the Operator maintenance window.
- Press INSERT to add a new station to the operator. This will open the Station Selection window.
- Only stations that have been created in the Cash Receipts module will display in the Station Selection window.
- Click the Create icon or press INSERT to create a new station. Stations can also be created in CR> Maintenance> Stations.
- Highlight a station in the Stations section of the Operator window and press DELETE to remove a station from an operator. This will not delete the station, it will only remove the station from the list of stations the operator is authorized to use.
3 Click on the Confirm icon or press ENTER when complete.