PR> 1099-Rs





The 1099-Rs process is used to generate and print 1099-Rs. The employees included in the batch can be filtered by department and reporting group. If a specific employee in a department or reporting group should not be included in the batch, you can remove specific employees from the batch using the Edit step (PR> 1099-Rs> Edit). If you need to create a 1099-R from scratch (rather than using the paychecks made out to an employee to determine the gross distribution), you can create 1099-Rs using the Edit step (PR> 1099-Rs> Edit).


Below is the form that should be used with the process and is available from our form supplier, CENTRO Information Systems. If you have any questions regarding the form, contact CENTRO at 888-828-1999 or email to


  • #LRA/B/C/2/D1 --LASER 1099 R Forms - 2 Up pre-printed form. Copies A, B, C, 2 or D1, two reports per 8 ½ x 11 page. Requires one print run for each copy filed. Uses envelope #DWMR below.

  • #DWMR(S) --Double Window ENVELOPES - Displays employer and recipient name and address. For use with the Laser Forms LMA & LRA above. DWMRS is a self seal envelope.


Springbrook will test the 2018 1009-R process using only the above form. If you do not order your forms from CENTRO, check the format of the form above to make sure your forms are compatible.


The employee history that is included in the 1099-R batch is selected by the check date or batch date of the Computer Checks batch used to generate the payroll transactions. If you select batch date, the batch month and batch year attached to the Computer Checks batch will be used to select the transactions. For example, payroll checks processed in a Computer Checks batch with a batch month and batch year of 12/2018, a check date of 01/15/19, and a JE Date of 01/15/19, will be included in calendar year 2018. If the batch month and batch year is 01/2019, the checks in that batch will be included in calendar year 2019.


Related Links


Click here for information on reporting group maintenance.

Click here for information on department maintenance,

Click here for information on employee maintenance (attaching a department to an employee record).


Step by Step