PR> Maintenance> Aggregate Deduction
Aggregate Deduction Maintenance
Aggregate deductions/benefits are used to combine multiple deduction or benefit amounts in order to compare that total to annual or lifetime maximum amounts. This functionality will enable the system to automate capping the annual maximum for deferred compensation deductions.
Related Links
Click here for information on Deduction/Benefit Maintenance.
Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the existing aggregate deductions and benefits.
- Open the Aggregate Deduction Selection window (PR> Maintenance> Aggregate Deduction).
- The Aggregate Deduction Selection window will display all of the aggregate deductions/benefits created in the database.
- Highlight an aggregate deduction/benefit and press ENTER or click the Modify icon to open the selected aggregate deduction/benefit.
- Highlight a tax table and press DELETE or click the Delete icon to delete the selected aggregate deduction/benefit.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon to create a new aggregate deduction/benefit. This will open the Aggregate Deduction Maintenance window.
2 Create or modify an aggregate deduction or benefit.
- The Code field is used to assign a unique code for the aggregate deduction/benefit.
- This field is limited to 24 alphanumeric characters.
- The Type field is used to specify whether this aggregate will combine deductions or benefits. You cannot combine a mix of deductions and benefits.
- Enter an optional Description for the aggregate deduction/benefit.
- Specify an Order for the aggregate deduction/benefit.
- This field is used to set the order in which this group of deductions/benefits will be calculated in relation to the other aggregate groups. Group orders can be utilized to have certain deductions/benefits calculated before or after other groups.
- The number of the group needs to be between 1 and 999. Group 1000 is reserved for ungrouped deductions/benefits which will always be calculated after any deductions/benefits included in an aggregate deductions/benefits group.
3 Add deductions or benefits to the aggregate deduction/benefit.
- Click the Add icon to add a deduction or benefit to the aggregate group.
- This will open the Deduction/Benefit Selection window. Select a deduction or benefit and click the Confirm icon to add that deduction or benefit to the aggregate deduction/benefit group.
- Hold the CTRL key to select multiple deductions or benefits.
- The Deduction/Benefit Selection window will close an you will be returned to the Aggregate Deduction Maintenance window.
- The Order column is used to set the order for each deduction/benefit added to the aggregate deduction/benefit group data grid.
- The system will utilize the Order column to stop the deductions/benefits when the maximum is reached. For example: If a deduction annual maximum will be reached in a payroll batch, the system will take the amount remaining within the maximum out of the deduction code with the lowest Order value first, then from the deduction with the next lowest Order value for any remaining amount available.
- The deduction/benefit with the lowest Order value will be considered the “master” deduction/benefit. This deduction/benefit is where the annual or lifetime maximum will be set in deduction/benefit maintenance. Any maximum on another deduction/benefit in the group will be ignored by the system.
- Annual and lifetime maximums are set on the Deduction/Benefit Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Deduction/Benefit> Calculation tab> Revisions section). Click here for information on Deduction/Benefit Maintenance.
- Annual and lifetime maximums that are set on the Deduction/Benefit Maintenance window will be overridden when the master deduction/benefit is attached to employee records that include employee-specific maximums (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Deductions/Benefits tabs> Revision section> Annual Max and Lifetime Max fields). Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
- The deduction/benefit order can be between 0 and 999.
- Click the Save icon to save the changes to the aggregate deduction/benefit when complete.