SS> Maintenance> Bank Account
Bank Account Maintenance
The Bank Account Maintenance window is used to create and maintain bank accounts. After banks have been created (SS> Maintenance> Bank), you can create bank accounts for those banks using the Bank Account Maintenance window. Before creating the bank account you should also create the GL cash account if it has not already been created (GL accounts are created in GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts).
Related Links
Click here for information on Bank Maintenance.
Click here for information on DB Security Maintenance.
Click here for information on Chart of Account Maintenance.
Click here for information about creating and uploading an electronic signature.
Step by Step
- Open the Bank Account Selection window (GL> Maintenance> Bank Account).
- Select a bank account and click the Delete icon or press DELETE to delete the selected bank account.
- Select a bank account and click the Modify icon to edit an existing bank account.
- Click the Create icon or press INSERT to create a new bank account. This will open the Bank Account Maintenance window.
- Enter an Account Code.
- The bank account code can be up to eight alphanumeric characters long.
- After the bank account has been saved, you cannot change the bank Account Code, selected Bank Code, or Account Number.
- Click the Bank Code field label to select a bank code from a list.
- Bank codes must be created before associated bank accounts can be set up.
- Bank codes are created and maintained on the Bank Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Bank). Click here for information on Bank Maintenance.
- Enter the Bank Account Number.
- The bank account number can be up to 20 numeric characters long.
- You can set up database security on this field using the Maintain DB Security window (SS> Maintenance> DB Security). The bank account number field is titled Account Number and it is in the DB Bank Account table in the SS module. Click here for information on DB Security Maintenance.
- Enter a Bank Account Name.
- The bank account name can be up to 30 characters long and will be display on many reports.
- Click the Cash Account field label to attach a general ledger account to the bank account. This is generally the GL account cash account that represents the balance of the bank account.
- Use the Logo field to add a bank logo to the account. Click on the field label to browse to the saved logo.
- Check the Accounts Payable toggle if the bank account is used in the Accounts Payable module.
- Check the Accounts Receivable toggle if the bank account is used in the Accounts Receivable module.
- Check the Payroll toggle if the bank account is used in the Payroll module.
- Check the Utility Billing toggle if the bank account is used in the Utility Billing module.
- The Signature section of the window is used to attach signatures to specified expenditure levels. If an AP or PR check exceeds a specified amount, the designated signature will be included on the check. For example, if a manager's signature is required for any checks exceeding $5000, that signature could be attached to the account with an amount of $5000.
- More than one signature tier can be established. For example, if a manager's signature has already been attached to the account at the $5,000 level, a Finance Director's signature could be attached to the account at the $10,000 level.
- Click the Create icon to add a Signature line item to the bank account.
- Enter an Amount for the new signature. Any amount above this amount will include the attached signature.
- Enter a Description for the new signature.
- Click the Attachments icon to open the Attachments Selection window.
- This signature must be saved as a Bitmap (.bmp) file.
- Click here for information about creating and uploading an electronic signature.
- Once you have added a signature, the Signature toggle should be checked.
- Click the Save icon or press ENTER when complete to save the bank account.